

2022年10月26日成人直播 行为科学和政策干预交叉创新团队第七次线下分享会顺利举行。本次分享会邀请到应用经济学系刘烁教授和韩禄康(Lukas Hensel)博士分享研究兴趣和研究进展。



刘烁教授着重介绍了行为产业组织理论(behavioral industrial organization)领域的研究。这一领域的传统范式是假设厂商利润最大化和理性的消费者可以做出最优选择。但大量研究表明,消费者远非教科书中的理性人,现实的消费者行为中存在各种偏误:注意力有限、时间偏好的不一致性、过度自信等。因此,行为产业组织经济学研究在考虑到消费者行为偏误的情况下,将产业组织经济学原有的传统假设改为厂商利润最大化和消费者的有限理性。因此,研究问题也转变成厂商如何通过合约设计和广告投放等策略“剥削”消费者。同时,研究也关注消费者偏误对厂商来说是否一定有利,产业规制政策能否起到理性模型所预期的作用等问题。






刘烁教授近期关注的行为科学研究包括:信息更新中的相关性忽视(correlation-neglecting)、简单抽样决策(sampling without prior)和形象顾虑(image concerns)。



Dr. Hensel introduced his two arms of research agenda related to behavioral economics. One is the motives of political activists, and the other being the information and labor markets in developing countries. For political activity studies, he is particularly interested in strategic interactions, the hybrid between traditional economics and other motives in the behavioral literature, and the effect of voice on political activism.

For information and labor market research in developing countries, in addition to the traditional development story, he focuses on the impacts of incomplete information on labor market frictions, belief formation, and signal interpretation. He also studies the success of workers and workplace and hiring outcomes relating to socioemotional skills. In addition, he explores the implication of expectations on worker turnover, specifically about how expectations about job satisfaction compare to job seekers’ realized job satisfaction, to ultimately make statements about the rationality of these expectations. The unifying themes in Dr. Hensel’s research are field experiments, limited information, and belief formation.

He first talked about his research on political activists with respect to canvassing. The motivation of the research is that people’s beliefs about others’ canvassing intentions are often incorrect. Hence, this research studies the effect of providing true information on the strategic interactions between party members’ canvassing efforts. Dr Hensel’s research shows that when given information on the competing party’s increased campaigning effort, the treatment group reduces canvassing participation towards the election.They observe that the increased competition lowered party supporters’ political self-efficacy, leading to subdued participation.

Using an experiment with the sample population, they found that when given information on own party’s increased campaigning effort, the treatment group also reduces canvassing effort towards the election. They discovered huge heterogeneity among the treated, such that members with weak ties to the party are more likely to free ride on other member’s campaigning effort.

In another study, Dr. Hensel explored the different strategic interactions across movements. His research found that when treated with own party’s campaigning effort, left-wing individuals exhibit strategic complementarity, whereas right-wing individuals exhibit strategic substitutability. However, this research has yet to reach a conclusion about the underlying mechanisms of this striking difference. It could be driven by differences at the individual level, movement level, or society level.

As a result, Dr. Hensel’s next step on political movement research is to provide evidence on the motives. Open text response shows that more than 40% indicates no change in efforts, while more than 30% claims to adjust efforts according to strategic substitutability. Conditioning on strategic substitutability, a structured response shows that 80% were due to free-riding. Conditioning on strategic complementarity, the result was less uniform, with concerns such as social image, reciprocity, increasing returns, enjoyment, and other motivations. Dr. Hensel suggested that mechanism experiments might be difficult to separate the individual effects, which calls for theoretical models with heterogeneous agents and motives.

For labor market in developing countries, Dr. Hensel emphasizes the importance of information provision. Dr. Hensel outlined the research project where he and coauthors helped workers in South Africa to learn about their comparative advantage in skills. They offered assessments on six skills and provided extensive information afterwards about their performance and how to use it in job search. This experiment found that the treated group went on to seek more jobs matched with their comparative advantage in skills and had higher earnings after 3 months. The results also exhibit some heterogeneity among the sample. The result of the assessment for those already have correct information about themselves was minimal. In other words, the treatment was only effective for those with wrong prior information.

Dr. Hensel discussed with other professors regarding how to reach an overarching theory to reconcile the differences in political activism and the possibility of using priming to identify underlying mechanisms.


刘烁,现任成人直播-成人直播室 应用经济学系助理教授。刘烁教授的研究关注行为经济学理论在企业竞争、市场监管和组织内部激励设计等问题中的应用。他的研究可以被应用于分析消费者的非理性决策模式对厂商竞争策略(例如定价与广告投放)有效性的影响和企业内部绩效评估制度与管理人员社会性偏好的激励相容性等问题。这些研究为政府如何通过信息披露和标准制定等相对柔性的监管手段去保护有限理性消费者的福利、引导企业走出低效的“囚徒困境”式竞争等方面的议题提供思路和建议。

韩禄康(Lukas Hensel),现任成人直播-成人直播室 应用经济学系博士后。韩禄康博士关注行为经济在发展、劳动和政策上的应用。他的研究具体关注期望值对行为的影响,比如求职者的期望值对找工作的影响、个人对工资、 工作环境、晋升空间和外部机会的预期对辞职率的影响,以及选举活动出席人数预期对政治活动家参选的影响。韩禄康博士主要用现场和消息实验识别期望值对行为的因果影响。他也对心理健康与贫穷的关系很有兴趣。