时间:2011/10/25Time: 6:30pm Oct. 25 Venue: Overseas Exchange Center, Peking University 时间:10月25日晚6:30 地点:英杰交流中心新闻发布厅
时间:2011/10/25Time: 4:10pm - 6pm October 25Tuesday Venue: Room 203, Guanghua Building 1 J.P. Morgan Firm-wide Event Want to learn more about working in a leading financial institute? Come to our event on ca...
时间:2011/10/20韬睿惠悦咨询2012年校园招聘正式启动,欢迎加入我们! Fancy a Career in Consulting? Are you looking for opportunities that challenge you to make an impact in today’s changing busine...
时间:2011/10/19时间: 10月19日(周二),19:00--21:00 地点:英杰交流中心阳光大厅 (Yingjie Conference Center) 罗兰贝格管理咨询有限公司于1967年在欧洲大陆孕育而生,目前是全球顶级的战略管理咨询公司之一。