活动地点: 英杰新闻发布厅
开始时间: 10年7月02日 18:20 结束时间: 10年7月02日 20:30
目标学生: 本科生 硕士生 博士生 使用语言: 中文
时间:7月2日 18:20-20:30
Louis Dreyfus Commodities (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd.
The Louis Dreyfus Group is an international organization of companies owned and controlled by Paris-based Louis Dreyfus S.A.S. It has been wholly owned by the Louis-Dreyfus family since its founding in 1851.
路易达孚是一家跨国性的集团公司,由常驻法国巴黎的母公司Louis Dreyfus S.A.S掌控。路易达孚集团自一八五一年创办后便完全由路易达孚家族拥有。
· Agricultural Commodity Trading and Processing 农产品的贸易和加工
· Energy Trading and Processing 能源产品的贸易和加工
· Manufacturing 制造业
· Shipping 海运业
· Real Estate 房地产
· Telecommunications 电信业
Louis Dreyfus companies are present in over 53 countries, with major offices in Beijing, Buenos Aires, Paris, Geneva, Sao Paulo, Singapore Wilton (Connecticut) and Memphis (Tennessee). Today , the Group employs more than 34,000 employees around the world. Aggregate average annual gross sales in recent years average USD 30 billion.
A major cotton office has been established in Beijing to handle trading, merchandising and logistical support for both domestic and import cotton in China. Louis Dreyfus Commodities (Beijing) Trading Co., Ltd. on behalf of Louis Dreyfus Commodities S.A. and Allenberg Cotton Co., offers cotton for import to customers around the China.
Oil & Oilseed
The oilseeds division of the Louis Dreyfus Group trades and merchandises in all principal international markets. This division‘s activities include origination, processing and aggregation for export in primary agricultural production centers and the shipment, import and domestic distribution in local consumption markets throughout the world. The Group handles oilseeds and oilseed products, including soybeans, canola, rapeseed, cottonseed and sunflower among others. It also merchandises agricultural by-products derived from processing.
All Grain
The wheat and rice department of Louis Dreyfus China is committed to enhancing business activities and providing its customers with up-to-the-minute information about the grain markets. We have offices in wheat producing and consuming countries with timely, accurate, delicate and comprehensive international market information.
Louis Dreyfus is one of the leading sugar trading companies with excellent reputation in the world sugar market. The headquarter of sugar division is in Geneva and it controls the world raw/white cash sugar trading through domestic agencies in over 50 countries. Meanwhile, Louis Dreyfus now becomes the second largest sugar producer in Brazil with continuous assets investment. After many years of business cooperation, we have built good and solid relationship with customers in America, Central East, Africa and Southeast Asia, etc., And we have superiority and increased influence on cash trading and consistent position in NYBOT and London futures market with the support from the company‘s own sugar mills in brazil and freight team.
Louis Dreyfus Commodities is one of the world’s three largest processors of orange juice, accounting for more than 15 percent of global production. It operates processing facilities in Brazil and Florida with a combined annual capacity of more than 83 million boxes of oranges, producing 330,000 tons of orange juice. The company has also made a significant investment in Brazilian orange groves.
路易达孚柑橘公司 (Louis Dreyfus Citrus) 是世界三大柑橘产品供应商之一,公司总部设在巴黎,运营总部位于世界上最重要的柑橘出口地 -- 巴西圣保罗州。公司在圣保罗拥有柑橘种植园,并在当地和美国佛罗里达州建立了橙汁加工厂,2009年的橙汁产量约占全球总产量的15%。路易达孚生产的橙汁已销往全球60多个国家和地区,公司在巴黎、鹿特丹、康涅狄格、佛罗里达等地设有销售公司及存储设施,并在比利时的根特建立了大型的分销中心以确保向顾客提供迅捷的服务。在柑橘及其产品的生产、加工、运输、储存及销售中,质量和效率始终是路易达孚的首要目标。
The Louis Dreyfus Group has engaged in shipping activities for over 100 years and is today one of the world‘s ten leaders in the bulk carrier industry. Shipping is the activity most naturally related to trading, the business on which Louis Dreyfus was founded. The LD chartering team is in charge of all bulk carriers chartering for the global trading business of the group and also cooperate with global customers on freight,ship their cargo and meet their bulk shipping demand. The Group began chartering cargo vessels in the Black Sea in the late 1800‘s.
LDC formed the Metals Platform in 2005 with the objective of growing into a top ranked global non-ferrous trading house. The Metals platform is currently trading base metals in refined and raw materials form and is one of the worlds leading traders of copper and zinc concentrates. The Metals platform is headquartered in Geneva with regional offices in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, and China. In the relatively short period since entering the non-ferrous industry LDC‘s Metals Platform has developed a substantial global business trading copper cathodes and copper, zinc, and lead concentrates and has become a important partner to major mining and smelting companies around the world. During 2009 LDC expects to move over one million tones of concentrates and over 200,000mts of copper cathodes.
About Our Office
People sit together in Louis Dreyfus Beijing Office, opened office without partition wall is enable everyone to discuss, learn and communication at anytime.
Career Path & Training
Whatever your chosen career path, Louis Dreyfus is there to support you every step of the way.Whether you’re a fresh graduate just beginning your career, or a senior trader looking for new and exciting opportunities, our learning and development programs provide you with the knowledge, information and tools you need to progress in your career .
The LDC Trainee Program is designed as a program to attract talent to the organization to meet its future growing needs. The program is also designed to bring awareness of LDC to leading universities as a means of attracting talent to the organization. The program is an investment by the company to develop talent and fast track individuals into a designated field.
A successful candidate will be one who has high potential within the organization. The candidate who completes the program will see his or her career fast tracked in terms of both career advancement and remuneration.
Besides trainee program, Louis Dreyfus offer varieties opportunities for talents, no matter you’re a experienced professional or a student in university. Information is available on our official website:
Or you can send email to:
[email protected]
Jianwai SOHO, Tower B, Suite 1701, 39 Dong San Huan Zhong Lu, Beijing 100022 China
北京东三环中路建外SOHO B座1701室 100022
Trader Trainee
l Executing trades and securing deals with new clients;
l Liaising with other traders/clients on market movements;
l Identifying issues affecting clients;
l Developing client relationships and presenting ideas to clients;
l Keeping other traders abreast of the relevant issues with their customers;
l Predicting how markets will move and buying and selling accordingly;
l Making prices in their relevant products, seeking to maximize profits or minimize financial risk;
l Informing all relevant parties of the most relevant trades for the day;
l Gathering information, analyzing the market - critically about mispriced assets;
l Carrying out detailed data analysis and valuation;
l Must be alert and ready to make decisions based on the smallest movements in the market;
l React to a change in parameters that is not already implied by the current market price;
l 进行日常交易并落实新客户订单。
l 针对市场波动积极与其他交易员和客户联络。
l 了解客户的需求与情况
l 维系发展客户关系并传达相关想法和信息。
l 确保其他交易员也理解本身客户的需求与情况
l 预测市场价格变化并相应进行买卖。
l 对相关产品定价,寻求最大利润和最小财务风险。
l 及时将关键交易通知相关人员。
l 收集并分析市场信息,主要针对于误价商品。
l 对数据进行详细分析和评估。
l 保持警觉并随时准备根据市场细微波动采取相应措施。
l 适时理解任何目前市场价格所没有反应的状况并采取相应的措施
l Capacity for lateral thought, ability to think clearly. Intellectual connection with the information presented.
l Strong time management skills.
l Logical mind.
l Excellent analytical skills.
l Energy, enthusiasm and street smarts.
l Team work & excellent interpersonal skills.
l Willing to learn and a quick learner.
l Good English written & verbal communication skills
l Strong and clear communication skills – ability to express yourself
l 有预见性,思路清晰
l 优秀的时间管理能力
l 逻辑思维能力强
l 精力充沛,有热情,反应迅速
l 富有团队合作精神和善于与人沟通
l 能积极主动学习并且上手快
l 优秀的英语口语和写作能力
l 优秀的沟通能力
l 2011 graduates and postgraduates
l Majored in Marketing, International Trade, Economics, Math, Statistics
l 2011年本科和研究生毕业生
l 市场营销,国际贸易,经济学,数学,统计学专业
Researcher Trainee
l Processing and analyzing information, build up relevant databases in a clear structure, drafting summaries and reports to the traders and research supervisors in a professional and accurate manner based on these databases.
l Compiling, updating and reviewing statistical data in commodities balance sheets, macroeconomic monitoring.
l Bringing challenging analysis and original ideas to the team;
l Assisting relevant traders with their work. Providing assistance to fellow researchers if needed.
l 处理、分析信息,建立相关的清晰结构的数据库,草拟总结;根据数据库,向贸易商和分析主管进行专业及准确的报告。
l 收集,更新以及评审商品平衡表和宏观经济监测。
l 向团队提供挑战性的分析和创新的想法。
l 协助相关贸易商的工作。如果需要,协助其他分析师的工作。
l Analytical skill with independent and proactive mindset are essential, understanding of statistical models would be a plus.
l High sensitivity to the numbers and has strong ability to process the information.
l Able to work under high pressure, get used to several days` traveling
l Good written and spoken language ability in English is essential.
l Frequent in use of Microsoft Office Software, strong excel skill.
l 积极主动以及独立的分析能力,统计学模型方面的基本了解。
l 对数字具有很好的敏感度,较强的信息处理能力
l 能够适应高强度的工作,以及间歇的出差
l 熟练的英文书写以及交流能力。
l 熟练的的使用微软办公软件,熟悉相关的Excel技巧。
l 2011 graduates and postgraduates
l Majored in Marketing, International Trade, Economics, Math, Statistics
l 2011年本科和研究生毕业生
l 市场营销,国际贸易,经济学,数学,统计学专业
Industrial Trainee
l Understand production process
l Know about balance calculation methods in production process
l Know about chemical characters, such as phosphor, alkali ect.
l Understand quality standard and key indicator of production control
l Know about essential content about equipment & machines management
l Know about all kinds of reports used in production activities
l Understand management policies in plant
l 了解工厂相关生产工艺流程,例如大豆加工过程、油品精练流程、磷脂加工流程、锅炉操作流程等
l 了解工厂相关生产流程中相关物料的平衡计算,例如大豆进入生产线后产出物料的平衡计算
l 了解工厂使用相关的化学品的性质,例如磷酸、碱等
l 了解工厂相关产品质量标准及相关生产控制要点,例如豆粕水份标准及主要控制点
l 了解工厂设备管理内容,例如日常维护保养计划、大修计划、设备档案、关键设备维护等
l 了解工厂相关报表内容,例如生产日报表、KPI、周报、质量报表等
l 了解工厂相关管理制度,例如SHE、员工手册、生产管理制度等
l Analytical skill with independent and proactive mindset are essential, understanding of statistical models would be a plus.
l High sensitivity to the numbers and has strong ability to process the information.
l Able to work under high pressure, get used to several days` traveling
l Good written and spoken language ability in English is essential.
l Frequent in use of Microsoft Office Software, strong excel skill.
l 积极主动以及独立的分析能力,统计学模型方面的基本了解。
l 对数字具有很好的敏感度,较强的信息处理能力
l 能够适应高强度的工作,以及间歇的出差
l 熟练的英文书写以及交流能力。
l 熟练的的使用微软办公软件,熟悉相关的Excel技巧。
l 2011 graduates and postgraduates
l Majored in Marketing, International Trade, Economics, Math, Statistics
l 2011年本科和研究生毕业生
l 市场营销,国际贸易,经济学,数学,统计学专业
Finance Trainee
l Keep daily records on positions of cash and futures per trader’s confirmation and calculate position & pnL based on the above information. Analyze the pnl movement.
l Reviewing daily payment applications for validity and accuracy. Preparing and filing general accounting vouchers for transactions.
l Performing month end closing and relevant reconciliation.
l Issuance, verification and recording of VAT receipts. Assisting manager on the tax filing issues and relative finance issues.
l 根据交易员的交易确认及市场价格,每日记录交易头寸及损益情况。同时负责损益变动情况的分析及解释。
l 按规定的会计科目设置总帐,进行会计分录、汇总凭证、登记总帐和明细帐,做到帐证、帐帐、帐表相符;负责全部记帐凭证的复核和检查;负责对会计凭证进行整理归档。
l 负责每月的财务结账及相关的对账调节工作;负责按月核对往来帐户,及时处理已明确的差异数据。
l 增值税发票的管理,包括增值税发票的开具,认证及记录工作;协助经理办理各项税务事项和相关部门的财务事项。
l Analytical skill with independent and proactive mindset are essential, understanding of statistical models would be a plus.
l High sensitivity to the numbers and has strong ability to process the information.
l Able to work under high pressure, get used to several days` traveling
l Good written and spoken language ability in English is essential.
l Frequent in use of Microsoft Office Software, strong excel skill.
l 积极主动以及独立的分析能力,统计学模型方面的基本了解。
l 对数字具有很好的敏感度,较强的信息处理能力
l 能够适应高强度的工作,以及间歇的出差
l 熟练的英文书写以及交流能力。
l 熟练的的使用微软办公软件,熟悉相关的Excel技巧。
l 2011 graduates and postgraduates
l Majored in Marketing, International Trade, Economics, Math, Statistics, Accounting, Finance
l 2011年本科和研究生毕业生
l 市场营销,国际贸易,经济学,数学,统计学,会计学,财务专业
Internal Audit-Asia
During three different projects, the candidates will be expected to build a good understanding of the group’s activity, the organization, the controlling environment. The rotation program offers a unique chance to the candidate to start building his/her network in the Group.
The successful applicant will spend:
v Six months in China
v Six months with the internal audit team in Asia
v Six months in one of our Asian or African subsidiaries
(the order of the projects may change)
The time spent in China and with the subsidiary in Asia/Africa will be focused on specific challenging projects. These projects will be related to controlling, risk management, accounting, IT, consolidation or operational issues.
During the internal audit project, the candidates will be integrated to the regional team and participate to some audits in Asia (including financial, operational and information systems reviews).
At the end of the induction period, they will either stay in China to contribute to the growth of our business, or join another of our subsidiaries, preferably in Asia (Singapore, South East Asia,…) or Africa.
Reporting Line
The successful applicants will be coached throughout that period, and their performance will be regularly reviewed by:
v A project manager in the country of the project
v Asia Internal Audit Manager throughout the Induction Program, as coordinator of the project.
As LD Commodities meets the ever-changing expectations and demands of the 21st century, we are looking for bright and creative individuals who are prepared to face the challenges of the international market place.
Skills / Experience / Specific knowledge required Knowledge and Skills
· BA or MBA degree major in Finance /Operational / Audit area with a famous University
Strong adaptation skills in order to evolve in a diverse and fast changing environment
· Strong process and analysis skills, as well as solid understanding of financial statements
· Good communication and reporting skills
· Ability to work in a team environment
IT Skills
Hands-on knowledge of typical Microsoft office software (incl. Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Language Skills
Fluent English is required (both spoken and written) as well as Fluent Chinese.
Personal Profile
· Must be organized, thorough and detail oriented
· Autonomous and initiative taking
· Curious and eager to learn new concepts
· Should be ready to travel internationally and spend at least 12 months abroad