

2013 GS Scholars Program is openning!




我们诚挚邀请您加入 2013高盛学堂


我们于2011年在北京开办高盛学堂,已有多位优秀的学生从中毕业,我们十分期待您加入到2013高盛学堂!请登陆网站gs.com/careers 搜索 “2013 GS Scholars”, 申请截止日期:2013年3月2日 (周日)。

如果您有任何问题, 请发送邮件至 [email protected] 联系我们。

You are cordially invited to apply for the 2013 GS Scholars Program

GS Scholars高盛学堂 is specially designed for a select number of second-year students who are interested in building a career in the investment banking industry. The curriculum of the GS Scholars program is tailored to provide opportunities to build your knowledge of the industry as well as hone both your technical and soft skills. The program will also demystify each division in Goldman Sachs and help you to better understand our culture and people while building your professional and personal networks.

We launched the GS Scholars Program in 2011 and each year we have had excellent participants. We look forward to your application and having you as part of the new 2013 class of GS Scholars.

To apply, please submit your application on or before Sunday, March 2, 2013 by choosing “2013 GS Scholars” in the Event Search Engine on our careers website – goldmansachs.com/careers

Email us at [email protected] if you have any further questions.



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