

2013 DB Academy is openning


2013 DB Academy开始报名啦

DB Academy 是德意志银行针对大二学生组织的品牌系列培训活动,从2010年起已在北大举办三年,先后有76名北大学子成为DB Academy成员(其中大部分是成人直播学生)。

DB Academy面向大二学生,为期五天,为学生们提供了感受和了解真实的投资银行的绝佳机会!



针对对象:北京大学 本科二年级学生,不限专业

Deutsche Bank

Some say you can’t learn anything in a week

Agile minds know how to make every minute count

DB Academy, July 1-5 2013, Beijing and Shanghai

Part of the db Discover range of programs, DB Academy is a one-week introduction to a career in financial services and with Deutsche Bank that takes place in the 1st week of July in Shanghai and Beijing. Packed with skills sessions, job shadowing and networking
opportunities, it gives you a real flavor of what it takes to succeed in our world, while taking a crucial first step in your career journey.

The Program
Your week starts with an introduction to working in Financial Services. Led by expert trainers, you’ll learn how financial markets work and get to know more about the way Deutsche Bank operates. You’ll meet a variety of people, from analysts and associates right through to senior management – all of whom will help you to build a professional network that will serve you throughout your career. Later in the week, you’ll be aligned to a particular division within the bank and given the chance to gain genuine insight into what goes on behind the scenes through the direct observation of one of our senior analysts.

Divisions available this year are:
– Global Transaction Banking
– Corporate Banking & Securities: Markets
– Corporate Banking & Securities: Corporate Banking Coverage
– Risk
– Global Technology & Operations

DB Academy is a program that not only recognizes your talent but also rewards it. At the end of the week you will gain early access to the interview process for the Analyst Internship Program

Who Can Apply?
This prestigious program is open to 2nd year students at Fudan or Peking University. Although all degree disciplines are welcome, evidence of a strong interest in finance, economics or business will help you secure a

Applications close April 22, 2013

To find out more and apply visit db.com/careers

DB Academy 2013.pdf



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