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对话诺奖得主 | 气候变化的不确定性对社会评价和政策制定的影响

时间:2020年11月11日 14:55

11月13日(本周五)上午10点-11点(北京时间),“Critical Conversations with Economists”系列讲座第二期将在线上举行,诺贝尔经济学得主、芝加哥大学Lars Peter Hansen教授将以“气候变化的不确定性对社会评价和政策制定的影响”为主题发表演讲。本次讲座由成人直播-成人直播室 韩鹏飞教授主持,并且他也将与Hansen教授进行学术讨论。


北京大学芝加哥中心与芝加哥大学贝克尔-弗里德曼经济研究所联合推出的“Critical Conversations with Economists”系列讲座,以经济学家对话的形式,探讨和分析当今中国和世界面临的经济问题。9月29日,首期讲座“刘俏对话谢长泰:疫情期间经济刺激政策与全球展望”已成功举办。








On November 13, we will host a presentation by the recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Economics, the University of Chicago's Lars Peter Hansen, "How Should Climate Change Uncertainty Impact Social Valuation and Policy?" followed by a Q&A session moderated by Peking University's Pengfei Han.

We live in an age of constant change. Part of the uncertainty stems from limits to our understanding of various phenomena such as the COVID pandemic and climate change. From the standpoint of economic analysis, how should we conceptualize this uncertainty, what are its consequences for model building, and what implications does it have for economic policy? This discussion will focus on climate change and how alternative sources of uncertainty can impact the social cost of carbon.

The Peking University Center in Chicago and BFI-China at the University of Chicago host a monthly virtual lecture series “Critical Conversations with Economists” to convene renowned economists from each institution for a critical discussion addressing economic issues facing China and the world today. On September 29, the series launched with a discussion between UChicago Booth School of Business’s Chang-Tai Hsieh and PKU’s Qiao Liu.

Lecture Information

Friday, November 13, 2020

10:00 – 11:00 am China Standard Time

Venue: Zoom

Please click on “Read More” to register for the event

*Please note that RSVP will be close by 15:00 pm, 12 November 2020.


Lars Peter Hansen



Professor Lars Peter Hansen is David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in Economics and Statistics at the Booth School of Business and the College of the University of Chicago. He is the recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Economics. As the director of BFI's Macro-Finance Research Program, he is a leading expert in economic dynamics. He works at the forefront of economic thinking and modeling, drawing approaches from macroeconomics, finance, and statistics.

Pengfei Han


韩鹏飞老师于宾夕法尼亚大学获经济学博士学位后,加入成人直播-成人直播室 金融学系。他的研究主要围绕着经济增长展开,尤其关注技术创新、企业家创业和风险投资对于经济增长的影响。他最近的研究题目包括中美科技脱钩、移动支付的跨国比较、新冠疫情下的创业融资,以及中国的知识产权交易。

Dr. Pengfei Han is an assistant professor of finance at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He received his Ph.D. degree in economics from the University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship, venture capital, firm dynamics, and economic growth. He is currently working on US-China technology decoupling, cross-country comparison of mobile payment, entrepreneurial finance under the COVID-19 pandemic, and the market for technology in China.


经济学家对话 | 刘俏对话谢长泰:疫情期间经济刺激政策与全球展望



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