


Asymmetry Reduction Theory of FDI - The Aspiration-Resource-Control (ARC) Framework


Organization and Strategy Seminar2016-11

TopicAsymmetry Reduction Theory of FDI - The Aspiration-Resource-Control (ARC) Framework

Speaker:Xin Li,Copenhagen Business School

Time: Friday, 21 October, 13:30-15:00 pm

Location:Room K01, Guanghua Building 2


The orthodox FDI decision theory, i.e., Dunning’s Ownership-Location-Internalization (OLI) paradigm, was developed to explain the traditional foreign direct investments (FDIs) that are primarily conducted by more developed country (MDC) firms investing in the less developed countries (LDCs). The emergence and rise of emerging market multinational enterprises (EM MNEs) and the so-called reverse FDI, i.e., FDIs conducted by LDC firms investing in the MDCs, have challenged the orthodox FDI theory. Some scholars have proposed special theories to explain the reverse FDI, such as Mathrews’ linkage-leverage-learning (LLL) model. Some others have tried to provide a unified theory that explain both traditional and reverse FDIs, such as Moon & Roehl’s imbalance theory of FDI.

In this talk, I first briefly introduce the imbalance theory of FDI, then I identify its three deficiencies that may be responsible for the relative lack of impact of the potentially powerful imbalance logic, and then I propose an asymmetry reduction theory (ART) of FDI as an alternative unifying logic underlying the decision to do FDI. I operationalize the ART theory into the aspiration-resource-control (ARC) framework. I conclude the talk with a brief discussion of the OLI framework being a special case of the ARC framework.


李鑫(Xin Li),男,1977年生人,博士,现任丹麦哥本哈根商学院助理教授,研究领域为企业战略、国际商务、管理悖论、中国本土管理研究等。在《管理学报》、《管理世界》、《南开管理评论国际版》、《商业评论》、《Management and Organization Review》、《Critical Perspectives on International Business》、《China Economic Journal》、《Journal of Chinese Political Science》等国内外学术期刊发表中英文论文十余篇,在AOM、AIB、SMS、IACMR等国际学术会议上宣读会议论文二十余篇。2015年获得丹麦嘉士伯基金会132万丹麦克朗研究资助用于研究中国后发企业的国际赶超现象。


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