


Subnational institutions and foreign ownership structure


Organization and Strategy Seminar2016-19

Topic: Subnational institutions and foreign ownership structure

Speaker: Christine M.K. CHAN , The University of Hong Kong

Time: Wednesday, 21 December, 09:00-10:30 am

Location: Room 109, Guanghua Building 2


        This study, drawing on the institution-based view, investigates the influences of subnational economic, political, and social institutions on the choice of ownership level of the foreign affiliates of multinational corporations (MNCs) in subnational regions within a host country. A longitudinal analysis of 9,586 foreign affiliates established in 28 subnational regions in China between 1999 and 2007 shows that the development levels of subnational economic, political, and social institutions influence the ownership levels of foreign affiliates in distinct manners and different magnitudes. Our findings reveal that the influences of subnational political (social) institutions are stronger (weaker) for large (export market-focused) foreign affiliates. The findings also indicate that subnational economic, political, and social institutions interact to function as mutual substitutes to shape the ownership choice. The implications for research and managers of MNCs are also discussed.


        Dr. Chan is the Assistant Dean (MBA) and the Associate Professor of International Business and Strategic Management at the Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include foreign market entry decision, entry mode choice, international joint venture, and performance of foreign affiliates of multinational corporations.

        She has published articles in the Strategic Management Journal and Journal of International Business Studies. She has presented her papers at the Academy of Management Conference, Academy of International Business Conference, and Asia Academy of Management Conference, and two of her conference papers appeared in the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. She has received numerous research awards including the following:

• Best Paper Award, Asia Academy of Management Biennial Meeting, Korea, 2012.

• Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award (UG), Faculty of Business & Economics, HKU, 2011.

• The 2010 JAIBS Academic Award for the Best Book of the Year, Tokyo, 2010

• Best Paper Award, Asia Academy of Management Biennial Meeting, Tokyo, 2006

• Best Paper Award, Asia Academy of Management Biennial Meeting, Shanghai, 2004

• Best Paper Award, International Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2003

• Barry M. Richman Best Dissertation Award, International Management Division, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, 2003

Modules Taught:

        International Business Management

        Global Strategy and Policy


        Your participation is warmly welcomed!



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