


Narcissus versus Icarus: The Differential Effects of CEO Narcissism and Hubris on Corporate Social Responsibility


Organization and Strategy Seminar2015-02

TopicNarcissus versus Icarus: The Differential Effects of CEO Narcissism and Hubris on Corporate Social Responsibility

Speaker: Yi Tang,Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Time: Thursday,17 September, 13:30-15:00 pm

Location: Room 214, Guanghua Building 2


While most of the existing research has found similar effects of CEO narcissism and hubris on various strategic decisions, the two recent studies by Petrenko et al. (2015) and Tang et al. (2014) have documented their opposing effects on corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. In this study, we provide a theoretical explanation for and reconcile these seemingly contradictory findings. In addition, we test the hypothesized mechanisms by investigating how the CSR activities of board-interlocking peer firms can moderate the CEO narcissism/hubris – CSR relationships. Examining a longitudinal dataset of S&P 1500 index firms for the period 2003–2010, we find that the positive relationship between CEO narcissism and CSR is strengthened (weakened) when board-interlocking peer firms are doing less (more) CSR than the focal firm; the negative relationship between CEO hubris and CSR is strengthened when peer firms are doing less CSR than the focal firm.


Yi TANG is currently an associate professor in strategy at the Department of Management and Marketing, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his PhD in Management from the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) in June, 2009. Dr. Tang’s research areas include strategic leadership, social networks within and across organizations, and categories and identities in market contexts. Dr. Tang has published in the leading management journals includingAcademy of Management Journal,Strategic Management Journal, andJournal of Management. Dr. Tang currently sits on the editorial board ofStrategic Management Journal. Dr. Tang is an active member of the Academy of Management (AOM) and the Strategic Management Society (SMS). He is the finalist for Academy of Management (AOM) Wiley Blackwell Dissertation Award in 2010.

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