


Why and When Does Supervisor-Directed Citizenship Behavior Leads to Abusive Supervision: The Role of Power and Power Distance Orientation


Organization and Strategy Seminar2017-05

Topic:Why and When Does Supervisor-Directed Citizenship Behavior Leads to Abusive Supervision: The Role of Power and Power Distance Orientation

Speaker: Huiwen Lian,The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Time: Friday, 26 May, 10:00-11:30 am

Location: Room 216 , Guanghua Building 1


Integrating the victimization model and the hierarchy literature, we develop a moderated mediation model to outline why and when subordinates’ supervisor-directed citizenship behaviors elicit abusive supervision. In particular, we argue that supervisor-directed citizenship behaviors enhance supervisors’ sense of power, which in turn leads to abusive supervision; these effects are contingent on supervisors’ power distance orientations. In causal-chain designed experiments with full-time supervisors as participants where the independent variable (Study1) and the mediator (Study2) were manipulated, then in a multi-wave and multi-source field survey with data collected from both supervisors and subordinates at two different time points (Study3), empirical supports were found for the key predictions. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications are discussed.


Huiwen Lian([email protected]) is an Associate Professor of management in the School of Business at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She received her Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Waterloo. She currently serves on the editorial board ofJournal of Applied PsychologyandPersonnel Psychology.Her work has been published in theJournal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Annals,Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,andPersonnel Psychology. Her current research focuses on leadership, motivation, and workplace deviance.


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