


Confucian Values of Top Executives and Corporate Governance in China


Organization and Strategy Seminar2017-11

Topic: Confucian Values of Top Executives and Corporate Governance in China

Speaker: David H. Zhu,Arizona State University

Time: Friday, 1 December, 14:00-15:30 pm

Location: Room 213 , Guanghua Building 2


Although top executives’ values are widely believed to influence not only their strategic choices but also their decision-making processes, only a handful of studies have examined American CEOs’ liberalism and conservatism orientation. In the present study, we start to examine how one of the most prevailing values in East Asian, namely Confucianism, may influence top executives’ major decisions in China. We focus on the central value of Confucianism, namely the prosocial value, and explain how it influences major corporate governance practices in China. We theorize that a board chair’s prosocial value tends to positively influence the compensation level of employees and top management team members, but negatively influence the compensation level of the chair and the degree to which chair’s compensation is decoupled from firm performance. In addition, we theorize that a chair’s prosocial value tends to increase the charitable donations of the firm and reduce the firm’s tendency to exploit exchange partners and minority shareholders. We utilize a comprehensive dataset that includes all listed private firms in China to test our hypotheses and found support for our theoretical predictions. This research challenges the prevailing assumption in Western theories about executives’ homogeneous tendency to pursue self-interest and extends research on top executives’ values to examine how traditional values in East Asia may influence strategic leadership and major organizational outcomes.




朱教授从社会心理学的视角研究高管人员的战略决策和公司治理,并从社会结构学的视角研究高管以及企业之间的双边关系。他的研究涉及了一系列重要的战略问题,包括公司治理,并购重组,多元化,国际化,创新与创业,战略模仿,CEO及董事会的选举、换届、及战略决策过程,高管薪酬,企业增长战略,以及企业竞争力等。这些研究在多家国际顶尖级管理学杂志上发表,并曾荣获2010年全球管理学协会全年会最佳博士论文奖(William H. Newman Award),2009-2010年组织学领域里的里克特最佳博士论文奖,以及2009年国际战略管理学协会全年会最佳论文奖等。


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