Organization and Strategy Seminar(2018-05)
PartI: His working paper on social sharing of emotions.
PartII: His dissertation on creativity & innovation (data collection in progress)
Speaker: Shuye Lu,University of Maryland
Time: Wednesday, 17 October, 13:30-15:00 pm
Location: Room 110, Guanghua Building 2
Part I: His working paper on social sharing of emotions.
As social beings, people often share their emotional experiences with others. This phenomenon , termed social sharing of emotions (or emotion sharing), has been well documented in the social psychology literature but less studied in organizational contexts. I draw on the social functional account of emotion to investigate the antecedents and outcomes of emotion sharing in the workplace, and the organizational contexts affecting these relationships. I tested several hypotheses by conducting an archival study with 916,176 emails from 358 employees in a U.S.-based high-tech firm during 1998–2003. I will be presenting some results from these archival data.
Part II: His dissertation on creativity & innovation (data collection in progress)
Many of employees’ novel ideas often cannot get appreciated or valued by their immediate managers, thus precluding the opportunity for innovation. Drawing on the social-information-processing theory and the situated evaluation perspective, this paper investigates the moderating roles of managers’ social networks in the innovation process of idea valuation and implementation decision-making. I first propose that novel ideas (as compared to mundane/familiar ideas) will have negative effects on managers’ valuation of these ideas. I then theorize that two types of managers’ network features, advice network diversity and friendship network centrality, will enable managers to better appreciate the value of novel ideas. Theoretical contributions and empirical strategies will be discussed.

Shuye Lu is a PhD candidate in OB/HR at the Robert H. Smith School of Management, University of Maryland. Before joining the PhD program, he received his master's degrees from Tsinghua University and Columbia University. His current research interest includes employee creativity and emotion in organizations. Shuye Lu’s work appears in the Academy of Management Journal and the Current Opinion in Psychology.
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