Organization and Strategy Seminar(2018-08)
Topic: “As if One Boss wasn’t Enough!” An Investigation of LMX in a Dual Leader Context
Speaker: Jiaqing Sun, University of Illinois at Chicago
Time: Tuesday, 06 November, 10:35-12:00 am
Location: Room 111, Guanghua Building 2
Both researchers and practitioners have observed a growing trend of dual leadership in contemporary organizations. Despite this trend, most leadership research has been conducted in the context in which every employee is working for only one leader. Drawing upon role theory, I investigated leader-member exchange (LMX), which captures the quality of the dyadic relationship between leader and follower, in the dual leader contexts. In the present study, I focus on LMX misalignment, the difference of an employee’s relationships with two leaders, and investigated how LMX misalignment influences employees’ role ambiguity and role conflict and in turn their creative behaviors. To test the hypothesized model, I surveyed 137 social workers who are working for two leaders, and both leaders have the same position power and work interdependently. Integrating polynomial regressions with multilevel analyses, I examined a moderated mediation model and found support for my hypothesized model.

Jiaqing Sun (孙嘉卿) is a PhD candidate in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her research interests focus on leadership phenomena, especially the dyadic relationship between leader and follower.To understand why employees have different reactions to leaders’ behaviors, she adopts the perspective of employees’ emotions and attributions to explore the complex outcomes of leader-follower dyadic interactions.
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