Organization and Strategy Seminar(2019-01)
Topic: Act versus Assess: Effects of Individual Regulatory Modes on Innovative Behavior and the Group Contingencies
Speaker: Yuntao Dong, the University of Connecticut
Time: Tuesday, 08 January, 13:30-15:00 pm
Location: Room 109, Guanghua Building 2
In this study we integrate regulatory mode theory and situation strength theory to propose that an individual’s regulatory modes—locomotion and assessment—can predict his/her innovative behavior, and that the main effects of locomotion and assessment modes are jointly moderated by group learning orientation and psychological safety climate. Using a sample of 1133 employees in 178 work groups, we found that individual locomotion mode had a positive, whereas assessment mode had a non-significant association with employees’ innovative behavior. Further, these relationships were jointly moderated by group-level learning orientation and psychological safety climate: the association between each of the individual regulatory modes and innovative behavior was significant when one of the group moderators was high and the other was low. Yet the individual-level associations were diminished in strong group situations where both group learning orientation and psychological safety climate were high or low. Our study makes theoretical and empirical contributions to the innovation and regulatory mode literatures, and provides practical implications for promoting employees’ innovative behavior.

Yuntao Dong (董韫韬) is an assistant professor of Management at the University of Connecticut. Herresearch focuses on the influence of leadership (e.g., empowerment, transformational leadership, and challenging assignments) and team processes (e.g., team competence, knowledge sharing, transactional memory system) on various team and individual outcomes such as creativity. Through her research, Dr. Dong aims to advance the understanding of the multilevel antecedents and consequences of important management and leader practices. Her work has been published inAcademy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology,Journal of Organizational Behavior,andHarvard Business Review (Blog).Dr. Dong also serves as an ad hoc reviewer for over 15 academic journals.
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