Organization and Strategy Seminar(2019-08)
Topic: Layoff Survivors’ Reactions to Firm Layoff: The Moderating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility
Speaker: Ruodan,York University
Time: Friday, 28 June, 10:00-11:30 am
Location: Room K02 , Guanghua Building 2
Researchers recently started to take the psychological perspective to study prospective and internal employees’ perceptions of and reactions toward corporate social responsibility (CSR). Extending this line of research, we examine whether and how CSR can influence layoff survivors’ reactions to firm layoff. Integrating deontic justice theory with signaling theory, we expect CSR to moderate the effect of layoff on layoff survivors’ justice perceptions of their organization. Results from a laboratory experiment (Study 1,N=175) revealed that whereas CSR buffered the negative effect of compensated layoff versus no layoff on layoff survivors’ justice perceptions of their organization, CSR also exacerbated the negative effect of uncompensated layoff versus compensated layoff onlayoffsurvivors’ justice perceptions of their organization, which in turn were related to layoff survivors’ task performance after layoff and donation to the company’s CSR initiative. In a field survey study (Study 2,N= 453), results consistently suggested that CSR exacerbated the negative effect of layoff injustice on survivors’ perceived overall justice of the organization, which in turn was related to layoff survivors’ task performance, participation in company’s CSR activities, and turnover intentions. Theoretical implications and future directions of these findings are discussed.

Ruodan is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior in the area of Organization Studies of Schulich School of Business at the York University. She received her PhD degree from the Sauder School of Business at the University of British Columbia. Her research interests lie in corporate social responsibility, cross-cultural management, business ethics/ethical decision-making, organizational justice, and strategic human resources management. Her work is published inJournal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology,andJournal of Management.Ruodan is currently serving on the Editorial Board ofJournal of Applied PsychologyandJournal of Management.
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