Organization and Strategy Online Seminar(2020-08)
Topic: Like Clockwork? Product Iteration Rhythms And The Strategy Of Digital Startups
Speaker: Pengxiang (Alex) Zhang,University of South Carolina
Time: Wednesday, 23 Sep, 10:00-11:30 am
Location: Microsoft Teams Online conference room Join the Meeting
Product iteration is an important, yet understudied, topic for understanding how digital startups compete in evolving and diverse market conditions. While extant literature has indicated the benefits of rhythms in organizing strategic activities in established firms, little consideration has been given to whether and under what conditions digital startups utilize rhythms to organize product iterations. Based on a sample of 110 digital startups in the global mobile game industry, we find that digital startups tend to use rhythms for product iterations. Moreover, different types of market diversification exert opposing influences on the enactment of product iteration rhythms. This study contributes to current understanding of product iterations and to strategic rhythms research.

Pengxiang (Alex) Zhang is currently a PhD candidate in the Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. Pengxiang is particularly interested in strategic rhythms, digital innovation, and global strategy. He focuses on the born global, born digital firms as research context. His dissertation explores the role of product iteration rhythms and how digital firms keep innovative in the everchanging global environment. He has several papers that are currently being revised and resubmitted at top tier journals, including Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, and Journal of Management Studies.
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