


Anticipated Change in Organizational Support


Organization and Strategy Online Seminar2020-11

Topic: Anticipated Change in Organizational Support

Speaker: Xueqi Wen,University of Houston

Time: Monday, 28 Sep, 10:00-11:30 am

Location: Microsoft Teams Online conference room


Research on organizational support has focused on employees’ perceptions concerning current valuation by the organization (perceived organizational support, or POS). However, we report that employees’ perception of support by the organization includes anticipated change in future support (ACOS).In three studies, we found, first, that current favorable job conditions (perceived supervisor support and reward opportunities) contributed primarily to POS; in contrast, anticipated changes in future favorable job conditions(perceived supervisor support, reward opportunities, and human capital)contributed mainly to ACOS. Second, ACOS was positively related to affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction beyond the influence of POS. Third, employees’ future focus strongly moderated the relationships of ACOS with affective organizational commitment and innovative behavior. Among employees with a high or medium future focus, ACOS was positively related to affective organizational commitment and innovative behavior. However, among employees with a low future focus, ACOS was unrelated to affective organizational commitment and innovative behavior. These findings indicate that ACOS makes a notable contribution to the employee-organization relationship.



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I am a fifth-year doctoral student (ABD) in industrial/organizational psychology at the University of Houston. My research has focused on three areas: (1) employee-organization relationship in the changing workplace, (2) the roles of employee emotions in the employee-organization relationships, and (3) the impact of positive employee-organization relationships on employee well-being. I have published research on journals such asJournal of Applied PsychologyandAnnual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior. When I am not at work, I also enjoy building Legos, traveling, hiking, photography, and reading books especially detective fiction.

Your participation is warmly welcomed!



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