本学期第三期的BrownBag于2020年3月13日在线上举行,组织与战略管理系仲为国老师为大家带来了Revision and Resubmission的分享,具体包括3个部分:R&R的流程、遇到的问题以及R&R案例。
(1)Momentum is critical拿到R&R之后需要做的事情
l Return to comments after one week
l Most important/difficult issues; Common agreement between Editor and Rs
l Who is R1 and Who is R2
l Write to Editor to clarify any ambiguity or contradiction
l Role play with your co-author(s)
(2)Make a concrete plan by week (Roles and Resp.)
l Who is leading the R&R
l Task allocation
(3)Do the R&R step by step一步步完成
l Read the comments again and again
l Add the changes as a process of installing plugins
l A Checklist prepared ealier is very helpful
l Chronologically or easyàhard
(4)Draft the R&R letter修改流程
l Executive summary and a cover letter
l Add what you have done from easy to hard one
l Revise it again and again
l Track it!
l Match it with the manuscript—Complete it earlier than the manuscript
(5)Double-check the main text and R&R letter 10000!反复多次检查提交的材料
l Ensure to keep your promises in R&R letter
l Version control
l Proof-reading: typos or even errors
(1)Highly risk-Revision:不要过于紧张,high risk也有较大希望。没有high risk也不要太过轻敌
(2)Conflicting Reviews:听从editor's comments,或是向editor寻求帮助
(3)Additional Data/New Analyses:一定要听从reviewer的要求,并展示劳动成果
最后,老师以自己的AMJ paper作为实例,给同学们详细讲解了自己在投稿过程中遇到的问题,以及如何和reviewer以及editor进行交流。在Q&A环节中,老师对同学们进行了详细答疑,涵盖了研究样本、公开数据、理论贡献等多方面,并给出了许多研究建议:
l 拿到R&R后,不能只沉浸在喜悦中,要合理安排时间
l 认真读、多读comments
l 确认好和co-authors的分工很重要
l 做好proof reading
在活动的最后,仲老师进行了总结性发言,提供了丰富的学习资料,并且对下期活动进行了预告。Brown Bag本学期的第三次线上活动圆满结束,祝同学们顺利拿到R&R的机会、修改顺利!