

报名 | 对话法国巴黎银行集团副董事长




9月25日,法国巴黎银行集团(中国)副董事长魏海诺成人直播-成人直播室 应用经济学系副教授唐遥,将共同探讨绿色和可持续金融的更多可能。在提问环节,参会观众还可以就自己感兴趣的问题与两位发言人进行面对面交流互动。

In recent years, with the intensification of climate change and the signing of various climate agreements, the green economy has become one of the important directions of development in the financial sector.

The global financial markets have suffered under the COVID-19. Although different economies present different types of conflicts, sustainable development is still a globally accepted future market trend.

China also attaches great importance to the green development of its overall industry and has set carbon peaking and carbon neutrality as its national strategy. In the context of the "double carbon" era, the green economy is becoming a new windfall in the financial market, and it is valuable to discuss and study it in a forward-looking manner.

The event invited Bruno Weill, the Chief Group Representative for China of BNP Paribas, and Tang Yao, Associate Professor of Department of Applied Economics, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, as speakers to discuss more possibilities of “Green and Sustainable Finance”. After the session, students will be able to interact with the two speakers on issues of their interest.

时间:2021年9月25日(周六)  18:00-19:30



Time: 25 September 2021 (Saturday) 18:00-19:30

Venue: Guanghua School of Management, Peking University  

Lauguage: English



观众入场 Registration


魏海诺先生主题演讲          Keynote  Speech  



Panel Discussion


现场互动 Q&A


魏海诺,法国巴黎银行集团(中国)副董事长。Bruno Weill先生自2014年11月起至今,任法国巴黎银行集团(中国)副董事长,负责协调和发展法国巴黎银行集团在中国的各项业务,并贡献于法国巴黎银行集团经营战略的制定。法国巴黎银行在中国设有多家分支机构及合资企业,Bruno Weill先生代表集团在多数分支机构和合资企业中担任董事或监事之职。Bruno Weill先生还担任部分法国巴黎银行集团中国和国际核心战略客户的全球高层协调人。他同时也担任中国欧盟商会副主席,中国法国外贸顾问委员会成员与中国法国工商会董事会成员。

Since November 2014, Bruno Weill is the Chief Group Representative for China of BNP Paribas. He contributes to the definition of the Group’s strategy and coordinates all the activities in China. He represents the Group as a director or Supervisor at the Board of most BNP Paribas’ wholly owned legal entities and joint ventures in China. He is also the Group Executive Sponsor for a few Chinese and International strategic clients in China.

Born in 1962, Bruno Weill is also National Vice President at the Executive Committee of the EU Chamber of commerce, member of the French Foreign Trade Advisers, and of the board of the French Chamber of Commerce in China.

唐遥,成人直播-成人直播室 应用经济学系副教授,中信改革发展研究基金会研究员。他在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学获得经济学博士学位,2009到2017年在美国的鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)任教并取得终身教职。主要研究方向为宏观经济学、国际经济学和中国企业战略。

Dr. Tang Yao is an associate professor in the department of applied economics, a research fellow at the CITIC Foundation for Reform and Development. He holds a PhD. in Economics from University of British Columbia in 2009. He was an associate professor from Bowdoin College in the United States before he joined Guanghua fulltime in 2018.

His research interests include monetary economics, international economics, and enterprise strategy. His teaching includes macroeconomics, China in the global political economy, international finance, international trade, and topics on Asian economies.


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