

·       Guan Yuyan; Li Congcong; Hai Lu; Wong M. H. Franco, "Regulations and brain drain: evidence from wall street star analysts' career choices",Management Science

·       Zhiming Ma; Stice Derrald; Rencheng Wang, "Auditor choice and information asymmetry: evidence from international syndicated loans",Accounting and Business Research

·       Hsieh Chia-Chun; Zhiming Ma; Novoselov Kirill E., "Accounting conservatism, business strategy, and ambiguity",Accounting Organizations and Society

·       Zhiming Ma; Stice Derrald; Williams Christopher, "The effect of bank monitoring on public bond terms",Journal of Financial Economics

·       Lee Charles M. C.; Sun Stephen Teng; Wang Rongfei; Ran Zhang, "Technological links and predictable returns",Journal of Financial Economics

·       Yuyu Chen; Yang David Y., "The impact of media censorship: 1984 or brave new world?",American Economic Review

·       Yu Gao; d'Adda Giovanna; Tavoni Massimo, "Adopting leds changes attitudes towards climate change: experimental evidence from china",Environmental Research Letters

·       Xiao-Li Meng; Liutang Gong; Jen-Chih Yao, "A fuzzy inequality evaluation approach for measuring the relative efficiency",Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems

·       Xiao Jie; Liutang Gong; QingHua Zhang, "Promotion incentive: corruption and its implications on local fiscal cycles in china",2019 4Th International Conference On Education Science and Development

·       Chen Xingyu; Xing Li; Yao Dai; Zhou Zhimin, "Seeking the support of the silent majority: are lurking users valuable to ugc platforms?",Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science

·       Xing Li; Liu Chong; Weng Xi; Li-an Zhou, "Target setting in tournaments: theory and evidence from china",Economic Journal

·       James Liang; Wang Xiaoquan; Zhang Hong, "Promotions in the internal labor market: new evidence from china",China Economic Review

·       Wanchuan Lin.;Meng J.;Weng X., "Formal insurance and informal risk sharing dynamic",Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization·      

·       Gao Ming; Juanjuan Meng; Longkai Zhao, "Income and social communication: the demographics of stock market participation",World Economy

·       Dong Mei; Sylvia Xiaolin Xiao, "Liquidity, monetary policy, and unemployment: a new monetarist approach",International Economic Review

·       Chan J.;Fang X.;Wang Z.;Zai X.;QingHua Zhang, "Valuing primary schools in urban china",Journal of Urban Economics

·       Chen Y.;Jiang S.;Li-an Zhou, "Estimating returns to education in urban china: evidence from a natural experiment in schooling reform",Journal of Comparative Economics

·       Huang Q.;Liu C.;Liu C.;Li-an Zhou, "Farewell to the god of plague: estimating the effects of china's universal salt iodization on educational outcomes",Journal of Comparative Economics

·       Fang Hanming; Gu Quanlin; Li-an Zhou, "The gradients of power: evidence from the chinese housing market",Journal of Public Economics

·       Li-an Zhou, "Understanding china: a dialogue with philip huang",Modern China

·       SongXi Chen; Li Jun; Zhong Ping-Shou, "Two-sample and anova tests for high dimensional means",Annals of Statistics

·       Mao Xiaojun; SongXi Chen; Wong Raymond K. W., "Matrix completion with covariate information",Journal of The American Statistical Association

·       Chenxu Li; Wu Linjia, "Exact simulation of the ornstein-uhlenbeck driven stochastic volatility model",European Journal of Operational Research·      

·       Chenxu Li; Ye Yongxin, "Pricing and exercising american options: an asymptotic expansion approach",Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control

·       Geng Zhi; Liu Yue; Liu Chunchen; Wang Miao, "Evaluation of causal effects and local structure learning of causal networks",Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, Vol 6      

·       Qiang Chen; Meidi Hu; Xiaojun Song, "A nonparametric specification test for the volatility functions of diffusion processes",Econometric Reviews

·       Sant'Anna Pedro H. C.; Xiaojun Song, "Specification tests for the propensity score",Journal of Econometrics

·       Xiaojun Song; Taamouti Abderrahim, "A better understanding of granger causality analysis: a big data environment",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

·       Shuo Li; Yundong Tu, "A joint test for parametric specification and independence in nonlinear regression models",Econometric Reviews

·       Shuo Li; Yundong Tu, "A simple joint test for parametric specification and independence in nonlinear regression models",Econometric Reviews

·       Yundong Tu; Ying Wang, "Adaptive estimation of heteroskedastic functional-coefficient regressions with an application to fiscal policy evaluation on asset markets",Econometric Reviews

·       Yu Ren; Yundong Tu; Yanping Yi, "Balanced predictive regressions",Journal of Empirical Finance

·       Yundong Tu; Tae-Hwy Lee, "Forecasting using supervised factor models",Journal of Management Science and Engineering

·       Yundong Tu; Wang Ying, "Functional coefficient cointegration models subject to time-varying volatility with an application to the purchasing power parity",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

·       Chen Ye; Yundong Tu, "Is stock price correlated with oil price? spurious regressions with moderately explosive processes",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

·       Li Shuo; Guo Bin; Yundong Tu, "Simultaneous diagnostic testing for nonlinear time series models with an application to the us federal fund rate",Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics

·       Zhou Jilei; Zhou Jing; Ding Ying; Hansheng Wang, "The magic of danmaku: a social interaction perspective of gift sending on live streaming platforms",Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

·       Wang Feifei; Liu Jingyuan; Hansheng Wang, "Sequential text-term selection in vector space models",Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

·       Zhu Xuening; Wang Weining; Hansheng Wang; Haerdle Wolfgang Karl, "Network quantile autoregression",Journal of Econometrics 

·       Zhu Xuening; Chang Xiangyu; Li Runze; Hansheng Wang, "Portal nodes screening for large scale social networks",Journal of Econometrics

·       Xiangyu Chang; Danyang Huang; Hansheng Wang, "A popularity-scaled latent space model for large-scale directed social network",Statistica Sinica

·       Yu Chen; Rui Pan; Rong Guan; Hansheng Wang, "A case study for beijing point of interest data using group linked cox process",Statistics and Its Interface

·       Xu Ke; Wang Jianqiao; Pan Rui; Hansheng Wang, "Photographic diary: a new estimation approach to pm2.5 monitoring",Statistics and Its Interface

·       Wang G.;Liang B.;Wang H.;Zhang B.;Xie B., "Dimension reduction for functional regression with a binary response",      

·       Zhaoxing Gao; Yingying Ma; Hansheng Wang; Qiwei Yao, "Banded spatio-temporal autoregressions",Journal of Econometrics

·       Gao Yang; Mingjin Wang; Wang Yaojun, "New moment estimators of the effective spread based on daily high and low prices",Journal of Systems Science & Complexity      

·       Liu Weiyi; Mingjin Wang, "Volatility estimation and jump testing via realized information variation",Journal of Time Series Analysis    

·       Qin Xin; Hom Peter W.; Minya Xu, "Am i a peasant or a worker? an identity strain perspective on turnover among developing-world migrants",Human Relations

·       Dong Ju; Minya Xu; Xin Qin; Spector Paul, "A multilevel study of abusive supervision, norms, and personal control on counterproductive work behavior: a theory of planned behavior approach",Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

·       Minya Xu; Qin Xin; Dust Scott B.; DiRenzo Marco S., "Supervisor-subordinate proactive personality congruence and psychological safety: a signaling theory approach to employee voice behavior",Leadership Quarterly

·       Zhang Rongmao; Robinson Peter; Qiwei Yao, "Identifying cointegration by eigenanalysis",Journal of The American Statistical Association

·       Junni Zhang ; Bryant John; Nissen Kirsten, "Bayesian small area demography",Survey Methodology

·       Tse-Chun Lin; Qi Liu; Sun Bo, "Contractual managerial incentives with stock price feedback",American Economic Review    

·       Qi Liu; Sun Xian; Wu Hong, "Premier advisory services for vip acquirers",Journal of Corporate Finance      

·       Conghui Hu; Yu-Jane Liu; Ning Zhu, "De-leverage and illiquidity contagion",Journal of Banking & Finance      

·       Jin Miao; Yu-Jane Liu; Juanjuan Meng, "Fat-finger event and risk-taking behavior",Journal of Empirical Finance      

·       Gao Shenghao; Ruichang Lu; Ni Chenkai, "Institutional investors' cognitive constraints during initial public offerings",Journal of Banking & Finance     

·       Li Yan; Ruichang Lu; Srinivasan Anand, "Relationship bank behavior during borrower distress",Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

·       Chen Yu; Zhicheng Wang; Zheng Zhangjun, "Mark to market value at risk",Journal of Econometrics

·       Hong Harrison; Li Frank Weikai; Jiangmin Xu, "Climate risks and market efficiency",Journal of Econometrics

·       Hong Harrison; Jiangmin Xu, "Inferring latent social networks from stock holdings",Journal of Financial Economics

·       Goldstein Ray; Liyan Yang, "Good disclosure, bad disclosure",Journal of Financial Economics

·       Zheng Zhang; Lu Ying; Tian Lu, "On feature ensemble optimizing the sensitivity and partial roc curve",Statistica Sinica      

·       Ransbotham Sam; Lurie Nicholas H.; Hongju Liu, "Creation and consumption of mobile word of mouth: how are mobile reviews different?",Marketing Science      

·       Li Chenchen; Li Dongmei; Chiu Chi-Yue; Siqing Peng, "Strong brand from consumers' perspective: a cross-cultural study",Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology      

·       Li Dongmei; Li Chenchen; Chiu Chi-yue; Siqing Peng, "Does being socially responsible buffer reputation loss in a product crisis? the moderating role of lay theory of corporate social responsibility",Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology    

·       Liu Alfred Zhu; Liu Angela Xia; Rui Wang; Xu Sean Xin, "Too much of a good thing? the boomerang effect of firms' investments on corporate social responsibility during product recalls",Journal of Management Studies      

·       Xu Qian; Jin Liyin; Ying Zhang, "The shifting preference for contingent rewards in goal pursuit",Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

·       Huang Szu-chi; Lin Stephanie C.; Ying Zhang, "When individual goal pursuit turns competitive: how we sabotage and coast",Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

·       Lyu Gaoyan; Lihua Chen; Huo Baofeng, "Logistics resources, capabilities and operational performance a contingency and configuration approach",Industrial Management & Data Systems

·       Lyu Gaoyan; Lihua Chen; Huo Baofeng, "The impact of logistics platforms and location on logistics resource integration and operational performance",International Journal of Logistics Management      

·       Hao Zhaowei; Qi Wei; Gong Tianxiao; Lihua Chen; Shen Zuo-Jun Max, "Innovation uncertainty, new product press timing and strategic consumers",Omega-International Journal of Management Science

·       Ming Lei; Li Shalang; Shasha Yu, "Demand forecasting approaches based on associated relationships for multiple products",Entropy

·       Xi Liang; Qianguo Lin; Muslemani Hasan; Ming Lei; Qiang Liu; Jia Li; Wu Alisa; Liu Muxin; Ascui Francisco, "Assessing the economics of co2 capture in china's iron/steel sector: a case study",Innovative Solutions For Energy Transitions

·       Liu Lin; Paudel Krishna P.; Li Guanghao; Ming Lei, "Income inequality among minority farmers in china: does social capital have a role?",Review of Development Economics

·       Liu Zhongyi; Liu Jingchen; Xin Zhai; Wang Guanying, "Police staffing and workload assignment in law enforcement using multi-server queueing models",European Journal of Operational Research

·       Hua Shengya; Liu Jingchen; Cheng T. C. E.; Xin Zhai, "Financing and ordering strategies for a supply chain under the option contract",International Journal of Production Economics

·       Liu Z.;Hua S.;Xin Zhai, "Supply chain coordination with risk-averse retailer and option contract: supplier-led vs. retailer-led",International Journal of Production Economics

·       Liu Jingchen; Xin Zhai; Lihua Chen, "Optimal pricing strategy under trade-in program in the presence of strategic consumers",Omega-International Journal of Management Science

·       Sun Luping; Xiaona Zheng; Jin Ying; Minghua Jiang; Hansheng Wang, "Estimating promotion effects using big data: a partially profiled lasso model with endogeneity correction*",Decision Sciences

·       Liu Xiaohui; Xia Tianjiao; Jiangyong Lu; Lin Daomi, "Under what institutional conditions does overseas business knowledge contribute to firm performance?",International Business Review

·       Yan Zebin; Jiangyong Lu, "How do a buyer's political ties affect the market-based selection of suppliers?",Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

·       Lin Daomi; Zheng Wei; Jiangyong Lu; Liu Xiaohui; Wright Mike, "Forgotten or not? home country embeddedness and returnee entrepreneurship",Journal of World Business

·       He Canfei; Jiangyong Lu; Qian Haifeng, "Entrepreneurship in china",Small Business Economics

·       Ko Young Jin; Li Ma, "Forming a firm innovation strategy through commitment-based human resource management",International Journal of Human Resource Management

·       Ju Dong; Li Ma; Run Ren; Yichi Zhang, "Empowered to break the silence: applying self-determination theory to employee silence",Frontiers In Psychology

·       Li Ma; Xin Zhai; Weiguo Zhong; Zhang Zhixue, "Deploying human capital for innovation: a study of multi-country manufacturing firms",International Journal of Production Economics

·       Hoskisson Robert E.; Shi Wei; Xiwei Yi; Jin Jing, "The evolution and strategic positioning of private equity firms",Routledge Companion To Management Buyouts

·       Zhang Hongyu; Li Xiaobei; Frenkel Stephen J.; Jianjun Zhang, "Human resource practices and migrant workers' turnover intentions: the roles of post-migration place identity and justice perceptions",Human Resource Management Journal      

·       Lee L.S.;Lee L.S.;Weiguo Zhong, "Responses to alliance partners' misbehavior and firm performance in china: the moderating roles of guanxi orientation",Asian Business & Management

·       Weiguo Zhong; Lin Ya; Gao Danxue; Yang Haibin, "Does politician turnover affect foreign subsidiary performance? evidence in china",Journal of International Business Studies

·       Gu Yuandong; Zhang Hong; Zhou Wenli; Weiguo Zhong, "Regional culture, top executive values, and corporate donation behaviors",Technological Forecasting and Social Change

·       Lihua Chen Yi Lu ; Rui Zhao, "Ceo values, firm long-term orientation and firm innovation: evidence from chinese manufacturing firms",Management and Organization Review      

·       Airan Liu, "Can non-cognitive skills compensate for background disadvantage? - the moderation of non-cognitive skills on family socioeconomic status and achievement during early childhood and early adolescence",Social Science Research      

·       Xu Yan; Qiang Ren, "Selective neglect: gender disparities in children’s health care utilization in rural china",Chinese Journal of Sociology

·       Fulda Barbara E. Bernhard Nauck ; Qiang Ren, "The transition to adulthood in china, germany and the us: prevalence and timing in private and professional life",Chinese Journal of Sociology

·       Wen Ming;Qiang Ren;Korinek Kim;Trinh Ha N. , "Living in skipped generation household and happiness among middle-aged and older grandparents in china",Social Science Research

·       杨舒涵,陈磊,“股权激励的行权条件与激励动机——基于某科技公司的分析”,管理会计研究

·       陈磊,“解读《中国总会计师(CFO)能力框架》:多任务代理理论的视角”,中国管理会计      

·       饶品贵,孟为,陈冬华,姜国华,陆正飞,“宏微观交叉研究再出发——第七届宏观经济政策与微观企业行为交叉研究学术研讨会综述”,经济研究      

·       余琰,李怡宗,“高息委托贷款与企业现金持有”,金融学季刊

·       胡诗阳,杨文君(通讯作者),陆正飞,“上市公司购买理财产品会导致投资不足吗”,会计研究

·       胡诗阳,祝继高,陆正飞,“商业银行吸收存款能力、发行理财及其经济后果研究”,金融研究      

·       朱春艳,罗炜,“上市公司自愿信息披露与高管薪酬绩效敏感度”,会计研究 

·       何顶,罗炜,“风险投资声誉和股价'传染'效应——来自中国上市公司立案公告的证据”,金融研究      

·       王辉,杨卿栩,“新中国70年人口变迁与老龄化挑战:文献与政策研究综述”,宏观质量研究      

·       王立彦,“国家审计体系:中央审计委员会机制下的转型”,财会月刊

·       郭放,黄国鸾,王立彦,“上市公司独立董事独立性在两个任期内的变化”,产业经济评论      

·       王立彦,“可持续发展促进管理教育变革”,可持续发展经济导刊

·       汪剑锋,王会娟,张然,“私募股权投资具有交易时机的选择能力吗”,当代财经

·       宫蕾,张晓君,卢瑞昌,“合资券商承销的IPO的长短期表现”,金融学季刊

·       陈玉宇,“扎实做好三项工作推动经济平稳运行”,社会科学报

·       陈玉宇,“中央经济工作会议透露三大信号”,社会科学报

·       龚六堂,“资本账户开放、外汇净资产与福利变动”,国际金融研究

·       林东杰,崔小勇,龚六堂,“货币政策、消费品和投资品通货膨胀——基于金融加速器视角”,金融研究

·       高然,龚六堂,“地方债加速器存在吗?——基于面板VAR模型的实证检验”,经济经纬

·       梁宇,龚六堂,“军事支出冲击的宏观经济效应”,经济科学

·       余靖雯,郭凯明,龚六堂,“宏观政策不确定性与企业现金持有”,经济学

·       倪红福,龚六堂,夏杰长,“什么削弱了中国出口价格竞争力?——基于全球价值链分行业实际有效汇率新方法”,经济学

·       田文佳,余靖雯,龚六堂,“晋升激励与工业用地出让价格——基于断点回归方法的研究”,经济研究

·       徐佳,龚六堂,“金融知识会影响家庭退休安排吗?——基于中国居民家庭微观调查的分析”,中国地质大学学报

·       肖洁,龚六堂,“我国'省直管县'改革的进展分析——基于政治周期理论的研究”,中国行政管理

·       厉以宁,“金融领域新开放需要勇气和耐心”,北京日报

·       厉以宁,“民营企业迫切待解的几个问题”,北京日报

·       厉以宁,辜胜阻,高培勇,刘世锦,刘伟,洪银兴,樊纲,洪永淼,“改革开放的经验是积累而成的——四十年以来的改革实践和理论的发展(中国经济学70年:回顾与展望——庆祝新中国成立70周年笔谈(下))”,经济研究

·       厉以宁,“供给侧结构性改革与民营企业发展”,商业观察

·       厉以宁,程志强,“推动经济高质量发展”,商业观察

·       厉以宁,“结构性调整是经济发展的必经阶段”,中国经济周刊

·       梁建章,“对话人口经济专家梁建章老龄化将降低社会创新力”,财富生活

·       梁建章,“女性平权与提高生育率并不冲突”,中国人力资源社会保障

·       李伯重,刘志伟,魏明孔,何平,周建波,颜色,“经济史的写法——读《剑桥中国经济史》(笔谈)”,首都师范大学学报

·       颜色,刘俏,“2019年GDP增速有望实现6.4%”,新理财

·       张庆华,“厚市场效应如何放大失业冲击对住房市场的影响”,清华金融评论

·       张庆华,“城市'集聚效应'驱动中国经济高质量发展”,智慧中国

·       章铮,“从东莞房东经济看小农户'负盈不负亏'“,第一财经日报

·       章铮,“快递外卖'抢工',怪谁?”,第一财经日报

·       章铮,“劳动力老龄化是祸还是福?”,第一财经日报

·       章铮,“乡村潜在5000万农民工,如何进得去城是关键”,第一财经日报

·       章铮,“农村劳动力有人口无红利原因何在?”,第一财经日报

·       周黎安,“如何认识中国?——对话黄宗智先生”,开放时代

·       黄晓春,周黎安,“结对竞赛':城市基层治理创新的一种新机制”,社会

·       周黎安,“淘宝村里的'草根逆袭'”,社会科学报

·       吴琦,周黎安,刘蓝予,“地方宗族与明清商帮的兴起”,中国经济史研究

·       曹光宇,周黎安,翁翕,“官员更替对经济增长的影响及其作用机制:来自地级行政区的经验证据”,经济学报

·       李璨,吕渭星,周长辉,“绩效反馈与组织响应:文献综述与展望”,外国经济与管理

·       涂云东,汪思韦,“函数型核加权估计法及其在经济学中的应用”,系统工程理论与实践

·       陈佳、刘力,“投资者关注与市场反应——来自中国证券交易所交易公开信息的自然实验”,金融研究

·       金李,“什么比'以房养老'更靠谱”,北京日报

·       金李,“'以房养老'真的靠谱吗”,企业观察家

·       金李,“要为小微企业发展铺平道路”,中国中小企业

·       刘俏,王贵东,“中国发展模式'及其经验”,经济科学

·       刘俏,“高质量发展呼唤怎样的企业?”,全球商业经典

·       刘俏,李志军,张建华,郑红亮,洪俊杰,姚洋,刘守英,“中国经济学70年演进与发展'笔谈”,山东大学学报

·       刘俏,“中国经济的巨大挑战”,社会科学报

·       刘俏,“ROIC创造企业价值”,经理人

·       刘俏,“如何化解民营企业融资困局”,企业观察家

·       刘俏,“切实把降税减负落到实处”,现代国企研究

·       刘俏,颜色,“成人直播 :2019年GDP增速有望实现6.4%”,商学院

·       刘玉珍,“保护散户还是散户'自我保护'?”,21世纪经济报道

·       刘羽飞,卢瑞昌,张晓君,“融资财务顾问(FA)能否为创业公司创造价值?---来自中国私募股权市场的证据”,中国会计评论

·       李惠璇,朱菲菲,唐涯,李宏泰,“盈余公告、分析师推荐与伪羊群行为——基于高频数据的实证检验”,经济学

·       陈靖,徐建国,唐涯,陈戴希,“独角兽企业的兴起:典型事实和驱动因素”,上海金融

·       王志诚,“Facebook发币是否可以建立一个国际货币标尺?”,21世纪经济报道

·       王志诚,“互联网时代个人征信体系联盟区块链模式分析”,征信

·       符国群,“超越'民族品牌'“,北京日报

·       张成虎,李东进,符国群,“中断会削弱消费者选择的折中效应吗?来自熟悉度的中介作用”,珞珈管理评论

·       张成虎,符国群,“谁更可能为儿童的垃圾食品需求买单?不同代际间的决策差异”,现代财经

·       符国群,李杨,费显政,“中国城镇家庭结婚消费演变研究:1980-2010年代”,消费经济

·       张宏伟,江明华,“富士电视台马拉松报道的启示——以2018年东京马拉松赛事报道为例”,青年记者

·       彭泗清,李慧中,“当消费作为焦虑的药方,解药还是迷药?”,国际品牌观察

·       彭泗清,“品牌传播须超越战场与赛场”,哈佛商业评论

·       冯文婷,彭泗清,涂荣庭,周志民,“社会化媒体口碑发布者对品牌刻板印象的影响”,华东经济管理

·       周静,沈俏蔚,涂平,王汉生,“社交网络中用户关注类型与发帖类型对发帖行为的影响”,管理科学

·       张璇,林友威,张红霞,“基于中国上市公司样本的企业社会责任与企业市场价值关系的实证研究”,管理学报

·       张影,“数字化时代的企业形态”,21世纪经济报道

·       贾建民,张影,陈煜波,范秀成,“市场营销与服务科学”,科学观察

·       陈丽华,林凯,“国家高新区创新型产业化供应链公共服务体系建设”,科技中国

·       陈丽华,王璐,“国家高新区创新型中小企业产业化服务体系建设思考”,科技中国

·       董小英,胡燕妮,晏梦灵,“从追赶到领先——华为战略升级与转型路径解析”,清华管理评论

·       董小英,胡燕妮,曹珅珅,“数字经济时代的知识管理:挑战与趋势”,图书情报工作

·       董小英,胡燕妮,戴亦舒,叶丽莎,“基于CPS架构的数字化战略能力构建——德国工业4.0的管理体系与转型实践”,重庆邮电大学学报

·       黄涛,李浩民,“金融供给侧结构性改革:重点任务与路径选择”,改革

·       张艳云,黄涛,“环境规制与企业创新:基于对千家企业节能行动的分析”,重庆理工大学学报

·       雷明,“精准扶贫理论的创新及其价值贡献”,广西日报

·       雷明,袁旋宇,姚昕言,“以产业扶贫促进深度贫困地区扶贫攻坚——基于西藏自治区L市调研”,贵州民族研究

·       雷明,潘昊天,姚昕言,“中国贫困治理实践(1978—2019)——基于瞄准机制演变的分析”,南宁师范大学学报

·       雷明,“2020后扶贫战略思考:构建反贫困命运共同体”,社会科学报

·       雷明,“进一步改革创新打赢扶贫攻坚战”,社会科学报

·       雷明,“推进生态文明建设,坚持三大理念是关键”,社会科学报

·       张娜,雷明,张想想,“政府奖惩机制下社会组织参与精准脱贫的演化博弈分析”,苏州大学学报

·       谢贤君,孙博文,雷明,张娜,“中国绿色扶贫性增长测度及分析——兼论可持续性减贫”,统计与信息论坛

·       雷明,李浩,邹培,“小康路上一个也不能少:新中国扶贫七十年史纲(1949-2019)——基于战略与政策演变分析”,西北师大学报

·       安超,雷明,“二氧化碳排放、人力资本和内生经济增长研究”,中国管理科学

·       雷明,“从多元治理走向全元治理——兼论反贫困命运共同体构建”,石河子大学学报

·       邱凌云,肖娴,庞隽,“个体评论与总体评分一致性对评论有用性的影响”,南开管理评论

·       孙淑晓,郑晓娜,“发展不均衡的城市中企业空间竞争模型”,管理现代化

·       王陈慧子,孙淑晓,郑晓娜,“线上品牌商向线下扩展的O2O全渠道定价模型比较”,统计与决策

·       刘学,“'风口'企业成败八变量”,哈佛商业评论

·       刘学,“不确定时代的长期主义/实现商业长期主义的五项原则”,哈佛商业评论

·       张曦如,张林,路江涌,“组织知识、制度环境与风险投资机构的联合投资”,管理工程学报

·       赵英男,闵亦杰,路江涌,刘德鹏,“家族适应性影响员工创新行为的作用机制与边界”,管理学报

·       蔡莉,张玉利,路江涌,“创新与创业管理”,科学观察

·       江诗松,何文龙,路江涌,“创新作为一种政治战略:转型经济情境中的企业象征性创新”,南开管理评论

·       张曦如,沈睿,路江涌,“风险投资研究:综述与展望”,外国经济与管理

·       沈睿,余雷,路江涌,“人员流动对风险投资机构联合投资的影响——基于中国风险投资行业的实证研究”,外国经济与管理

·       路江涌,“共演战略重新定义企业生命周期”,企业管理

·       赵格睿,鞠冬,马力,“体育运动量对高一学生自我效能、学业情绪及学习成绩的影响研究”,教育科学研究

·       王新超,“数据驱动的企业精细化管理”,互联网经济

·       武常岐,钱婷,张竹,轷宇欣,“中国国有企业管理研究的发展与演变”,南开管理评论

·       方帅,张国有,“董事会非对称团队断裂对高管解聘的影响”,企业经济

·       陈宗仕,张建君,“企业工会、地区制度环境与民营企业工资率”,社会学研究

·       张志学,“实业报国使命担当——卢作孚与民生公司”,企业管理

·       张志学,施俊琦,刘军,“领导科学与组织行为学”,科学观察

·       高丹雪,彭以忱,张鸿,仲为国,“政治关联促进还是阻碍了企业创新?正式与非正式政治关联的差异化影响”,南大商学评论

·       李兰,仲为国,彭泗清,郝大海,王云峰,“当代企业家精神:特征、影响因素与对策建议——2019中国企业家成长与发展专题调查报告”,南开管理评论

·       傅帅雄,吴磊,韩一朋,“新型城镇化下农民工市民化成本分担机制研究”,河北学刊

·       孙博文,傅鑫羽,任俊霖,赵秋运,傅帅雄,张娜,“环境规制的蓝色红利效应研究”,中国环境科学

·       曹仰锋,“第四次管理革命转型的战略”,企业管理

·       曹仰锋,“生态型组织:物联网时代的管理新范式”,清华管理评论

·       曹仰锋,“世界三大'产业互联网平台'的战略与功能”,清华管理评论

·       徐宪平,鞠雪楠,“互联网时代的危机管理:演变趋势、模型构建与基本规则”,管理世界

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