

·       Paul Gillis, "Guest editorial the transnational regulation of accounting: insights, gaps and an agenda for future research", Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal

·       Wei-Shao Wu, Yu-Jane Liu, Yi-Tsung Lee, Robert C.W.Fok, "Hedging costs, liquidity, and inventory management: the evidence from option market makers", Journal of Financial Markets

·       Brad M.Barber, Yi-Tsung Lee, Yu-Jane Liu, Terrance Odean, "The cross-section of speculator skill: evidence from day trading", Journal of Financial Markets

·       Hongbin Cai, Yuyu Chen, Q.Gong, "Polluting thy neighbor: problem of river commons in China", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

·       Jinkai Li, Liutang Gong, Xi Ji, Jin Zhang, Miao Pei, "Development paths of China's agricultural pharmaceutical industry under eco-agriculture background", Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

·       Wanchuan Lin, Yiming Liu, Juanjuan Meng, "The crowding-out effect of formal insurance on informal risk sharing: an experimental study", Games and Economic Behavior

·       Elaine M.Liu, Juanjuan Meng, Joseph Tao-yi Wang, "Confucianism and preferences: evidence from lab experiments in taiwan and China", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

·       Currie Janet, Wanchuan Lin, Juanjuan Meng, "Addressing antibiotic abuse in China: an experimental audit study", Journal of Development Economics

·       Loren Brandt, Aloysius Siow, Hui Wang, "Compensating for unequal parental investments in schooling", Journal of Population Economics

·       Xi Weng, "Dynamic pricing in the presence of individual learning", Journal of Economic Theory

·       Xi Weng, Siguang Li, "Partial centralization in three-division organizations", Nankai Business Review International

·       Kris Mitchener, Se Yan, "Globalization, trade & wages: what does history tell us about China?" International Economic Review

·       Zhi Wang, Qinghua Zhang, "Fundamental factors in the housing markets of China", Journal of Housing Economics

·       Hongbin Cai, Ginger Jin, Chong Liu, Li-An Zhou, "Seller reputation: from word-of-mouth to centralized feedback", International Journal of Industrial Organization

·       Hongbing Cai, Yuyu Chen, Hanming Fang, Li-an Zhou, "The effect of microinsurance on economic activities: evidence from a randomized field experiment", Review of Economics and Statistics

·       Paul Anglin, David Dale-Johnson, Yanmin Gao, Guozhong Zhu, "Patterns of growth in Chinese cities: implications of the land lease", Journal of Urban Economics

·       Songxi Chen, Z.Xu, "On implied volatility for options - some reasons to smile and more to correct", Journal of Econometrics

·       Chenxu Li, "Closed-form expansion, conditional expectation, and option valuation", Mathematics of Operations Research

·       Cai Ning, Li Chenxu, Shi Chao, "Closed-form expansions of discretely monitored Asian options in diffusion models", Mathematics of Operations Research

·       Tae-Hwy Lee, Yundong Tu, Aman Ullah, "Nonparametric and semiparametric regressions subject to monotonicity constraints: estimation and forecasting", Journal of Econometrics

·       Wei Lan, Hansheng Wang, Zhiling Cai, "Testing covariates in high-dimensional regression", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics

·       Mian Huang, Runze Li, Hansheng Wang, Weixin Yao, "Estimating mixture of gaussian processes by kernel smoothing", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

·       Danyang Huang, Runze Li, Hansheng Wang, "Feature screening for ultrahigh dimensional categorical data with applications", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

·       Guoyu Guan, Jianhua Guo, Hansheng Wang, "Varying naive bayes models with applications to classification of Chinese text documents", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

·       Wei Lan, Ronghua Luo, Chih-Ling Tsai, Hansheng Wang, Yunhong Yang, "Testing the diagonality of a large covariance matrix in a regression setting", Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

·       Xin Qin, Peter Hom, Minya Xu, Dong Ju, "Applying the job demands-resources model to migrant workers: exploring how and when geographical distance increases quit propensity", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

·       Xi Qin, Marco S.Direnzo, Minya Xu, Yilong Duan, "When do emotionally exhausted employees speak up? Exploring the potential curvilinear relationship between emotional exhaustion and voice." Journal of Organizational Behavior

·       Lung-fei Lee, Jihai Yu, "Efficient GMM estimation of spatial dynamic panel data models", Journal of Econometrics

·       Junni L.Zhang, "Comparative investigation of three bayesian p values", Computational Statistics & Data Analysis

·       Shujun Ding, Chunxin Jia, Zhenyu Wu, Xiaoqing Zhang, "Executive political connections and firm performance: comparative evidence from privately-controlled and state-owned enterprises", International Review of Financial Analysis

·       Mike Lemmon, Laura Xiaolei Liu, Mike Qinghao Mao, Greg Nini, "Securitization and capital structure in nonfinancial firms: an empirical investigation", Journal of Finance

·       Laura Xiaolei Liu, Lu Zhang, "A neoclassical interpretation of momentum", Journal of Monetary Economics

·       Laura Xiaolei Liu, Ann Sherman, Yong Zhang, "The long run role of the media: evidence from initial public offerings", Management Science

·       Conghui Hu, Yu-Jane Liu, "Valuing diversity: CEOs' career experiences and corporate investment", Journal of Corporate Finance

·       Yu-Jane Liu, Zheng Zhang, Longkai Zhao, "Speculation spillovers", Management Science

·       Ruichang Lu, Yao Luo, Ruli Xiao, "An MPEC estimator for misclassification models", Economics Letters

·       Bo Sun, "Asset returns under periodic revelations of earnings management", International Economic Review

·       Robert Culla, Wei Li, Bo Sun, Xin Li, Colin Xua, "Government connections and financial constraints: evidence from a large representative sample of Chinese firms", Journal of Corporate Finance

·       Bo Sun, "Executive compensation and earnings management under moral hazard", Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control

·       Ya Tang, "Information disclosure and price discovery", Journal of Financial Markets

·       Zhenzhen Sun, Yaping Wang, "Corporate precautionary savings: evidence from the recent financial crisis", The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance

·       Chunxin Jia, Yaping Wang, Wei Xiong, "Social trust and differential reactions of local and foreign investors to public news", Nber Behavioral Finance Working Group

·       Sunghoon.Kim, Jian Han, Longkai Zhao, "Union recognition by multinational companies in China: a dual institutional pressure perspective", ILR Review

·       Meng Su, Xiaona Zheng, Luping Sun, "Coupon trading and its impacts on consumer purchase and firm profits", Journal of Retailing

·       Wen Wan, Jing Xu, Ying Ding, "To be or not to be unique? The effect of social exclusion on consumer choice", Journal of Consumer Research

·       Hongxia Zhang, J.Sun, F.Liu, J.G.Knight, "Be rational or be emotional: advertising appeals, service types, and consumer responses", European Jounal of Marketing

·       Hongxia Zhang, "Spillover of distrust from domestic to imported brands in a crisis-sensitized market", Journal of International Marketing

·       Huang, Szu-chi, Susan M.Broniarczyk, Ying Zhang, Maia Beruchashvili, "From close to distant: the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in shared goal pursuit", Journal of Consumer Research

·       Liyin Jin, Yanqun He, Ying Zhang, "How power states influence consumers' perceptions of price unfairness", Journal of Consumer Research

·       Zhongyi Liu, Lihua Chen, Ling Li, Xin Zhai, "Risk hedging in a supply chain: option vs. Price discount", International Journal of Production Economics

·       Yingjie Lan, Michael O.Ball, Ltir Z.Karaesmen, Jean X.Zhang, Gloria X.Liu, "Analysis of seat allocation and overbooking decisions with hybrid information", European Journal of Operational Research

·       Yao Liu, Qi Wei, Lei Guo, Bo Shen, Songqing Chen, Yingjie Lan, "Investigating redundant internet video streaming traffic on IOS devices: causes and solutions", IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

·       Ming Lei, Huihui Liu, Honghui Deng, Tao Huang, G.Keong Leong, "Demand information sharing and channel choice in a dual-channel supply chain with multiple retailers", International Journal of Production Research

·       Huihui Liu, Ming Lei, Xiangdong Liu, "Manufacturer's uniform pricing and channel choice with a retail price markup commitment strategy", Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering

·       Fang Ding, Dong Li, Joey F.George, "Investigating the effects of is strategic leadership on organizational benefits from the perspective of CIO strategic roles", Information & Management

·       Weiquan Wang, Yi Zhao, Lingyun Qiu, Yan Zhu, "Effects of emoticons on the acceptance of negative feedback in computer-mediated communication", Journal of the Association for Information Systems

·       H.Zhou, Y.Shou, Xin Zhai, L.Li, C.Wood, "Supply chain practices and information quality: a supply chain strategy study", International Journal of Production Economics

·       Lei Lu, Siqing Peng, H.Y.Lin and C.L.Cooper, "Presenteeism and health over time among Chinese employees: the moderating role of self-efficacy", Work and Stress

·       F.O.Walumbwa, P.Wang, Hui Wang, J.Schaubroeck and B.J.Avolio, "Psychological processes linking authentic leadership to follower behaviors (retraction of vol 21, pg 901, 2010)"Leadership Quarterly

·       L.D.Jia, J.D.Shaw, A.S.Tsui and T.Y.Park, "A social-structural perspective on employee-organization relationships and team creativity", Academy of Management Journal

·       Wenyan Song, Xiaoguo Ming, Yi Han, Zhitao Xu, Zhenyong Wu, "An integrative framework for innovation management of product-service system", International Journal of Production Research

·       Wenyan Song, Xinguo Ming, Yi Han, "Prioritising technical attributes in QFD under vague environment: a rough-grey relational analysis approach", International Journal of Production Research

·       Yi Han, Enying Zheng, Minya Xu, "The influence from the past: organizational imprinting and firms' compliance with social insurance policies in China",Journal of Business Ethics

·       Xiaoping Chen, Marion Eberly, Jack Ting-Ju Chiang, Jiing-Lih Farh, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, "Would paternalistic leadership promote employee performance?" Chinese Management Insights

·       Xiaoping Chen, Marion Eberly, Jack Ting-Ju Chiang, Jiing-Lih Farh, Bor-Shiuan Cheng, "Affective trust in Chinese leaders: linking paternalistic leadership to employee performance", Journal of Management

·       X.Wei, Li Ma, Zhixue Zhang, S.J.Showail, J.Jiao, Xinchao Wang, "Understanding psychological contract breach due to labor costs reduction: contingent upon employee sex and managerial control." Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

·       Marla Baskerville Watkins, Run Ren, Elizabeth E.Umphress, Wendy R.Boswell, Maria Carmen Del Triana, Asghar Zardkoohi, "Compassion organizing: employees' satisfaction with corporate philanthropic disaster response and reduced job strain", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

·       C.Hui, C.Lee, Hui Wang, "Organizational inducements and employee citizenship behavior: the mediating role of perceived insider status and the moderating role of collectivism." Human Resource Management

·       Y.Sui, Hui Wang, "Relational evaluation, organization-based self-esteem, and performance: the moderating role of allocentrism", Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

·       Hui Wang, Y.Sui, F.Luthans, D.Wang, Y.H.Wu, "Impact of authentic leadership on performance: role of followers' positive psychological capital and relational processes." Journal of Organizational Behavior

·       W.H Zhang, Hui Wang, C.L. Pearce, "Consideration for future consequences as an antecedent of transformational leadership behavior: the moderating effects of perceived dynamic work environment." Leadership Quarterly

·       Chen Chao C, Ann Yan Zhang, Hui Wang, "Enhancing the effects of power sharing on psychological empowerment: the roles of management control and power distance orientation", Management and Organization Review

·       Amy Y.Ou, Anne S.Tsui, Angelo J.Kinicki, David A.Waldman, Zhixing Xiao, Lynda Jiwen Song, "Humble chief executive officers' connections to top management team integration and middle managers' responses", Administrative Science Quarterly

·       Yanlong Zhang, "From state to market: private participation in China's urban infrastructure sectors, 1992-2008", World Development

·       S.E.Woo, O.Chernyshenko, A.Longley, Zhixue Zhang, C.Chiu, S.E.Stark, "Openness to experience: its lower-level structure, measurement, and cross-cultural equivalence", Journal of Personality Assessment

·       Zhixue Zhang, Zhenxiong Chen, Ya-Ru Chen, Soon Ang, "Business leadership in the Chinese context: trends, findings, and implications", Management and Organization Review

·       Yingqi Wei, Nan Zheng, Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, "Expanding to outward foreign direct investment or not? A multi-dimensional analysis of entry mode transformation of Chinese private exporting firms", International Business Review

·       Jiangyong Lu, Xiaohui Liu, Mike Wright, Igor Filatotchev, "The impact of domestic diversification and top management teams on international diversification of Chinese firms", International Business Review

·       Daomi Lin, Jiangyong Lu, Xiaohui Liu, Seong-Jin Choi, "Returnee CEO and innovation in Chinese high-tech SMEs", International Journal of Technology Management

·       Jiangyong Lu, Xiaohui Liu, Mike Wright, Igor Filatotchev, "International experience and FDI location choices of Chinese firms: the moderating effects of home country government support and host country institutions", Journal of International Business Studies

·       Ming Hua Li, Lin Cui, Jiangyong Lu, "Varieties in state capitalism: outward FDI strategies of central and local state-owned enterprises from emerging economy countries", Journal of International Business Studies

·       Xiaohui Liu, Lan Gao, Jiangyong Lu, Yingqi Wei, "The role of highly skilled migrants in the process of inter-firm knowledge transfer across borders", Journal of World Business

·       Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, Amon Chizema, "Top executive compensation, regional institutions and Chinese OFDI", Journal of World Business

·       Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, Seong-jin Choi, "Bridging knowledge gaps: returnees and reverse knowledge spillovers from Chinese local firms to foreign firms", Management International Review

·       Chizema Amon, Xiaohui Liu, Jiangyong Lu, Lan Gao, "Politically connected boards and top executive pay in Chinese listed firms", Strategic Management Journal

·       Jiangyong Lu, Yi Lu, Zhigang Tao, "Pure exporters: theory and evidence", World Economy

·       Weiguo Zhong, Haibin Yang, Yuanyuan Zhang, "Political ties and business exchange performance: a moderated mediation model", Academy of Management Proceedings

·       Yuanyuan Zhang, Weiguo Zhong, Amy Na Wen, Dequan Jiang, "Asset specificity and complementarity and MNE ownership strategies: the role of institutional distances", Industrial Marketing Management

·       Xiao Zhang, Weiguo Zhong, Shige Makino, "Customer involvement and service firm internationalization performance: an integrative framework", Journal of International Business Studies

·       Weiguo Zhong, Chenting Su, Jisheng Peng, Zhilin Yang, "Trust in interorganizational relationships a meta-analytic integration", Journal of Management

·       范从来,梁上坤,王宇伟,陈冬华,姜国华,“拓展‘宏观经济政策与微观企业行为’研究——第二届‘宏观经济政策与微观企业行为’学术研讨会综述”,经济研究

·       姜国华,“加快资本市场市场化四点建议”,小康(财智)

·       张玉龙,李怡宗,“特质波动率策略中的流动性”,金融学季刊

·       陆正飞,余旻琦,周润青,“股权特征与会计—税收差异”,财会学习

·       窦欢,张会丽,陆正飞,“企业集团、大股东监督与过度投资”,管理世界

·       王春飞,陆正飞,“事务所‘改制’、保险价值与投资者保护”,会计研究

·       陆正飞,韩非池,“承销商地域垄断性与IPO 定价”,会计与经济研究

·       张会丽,陆正飞,“集团化运营与管理的经济后果”,经济与管理研究

·       余琰,罗炜,李怡宗,朱琪,“国有风险投资的投资行为和投资成效”,经济研究

·       王立彦,“跨界于会计学、统计学之间”,财务与会计

·       刘慧龙,吴联生,“制度环境、所有权性质与公司实际税率”,管理世界

·       刘慧龙,吴联生,肖泽忠,“国有企业改制与IPO融资规模”,金融研究

·       刘慧龙,王成方,吴联生,“决策权配置、盈余管理与投资效率”,经济研究

·       李安兰,许日,王春飞,伍利娜,“集团内上市公司的审计师选择研究”,会计与经济研究

·       曾建光,伍利娜,王立彦,谌家蘭,“技术进步、信息透明度与开放式基金的资金流量——基于开放式基金强制采用XBRL的证据”,金融研究

·       王立彦,谌嘉席,伍利娜,“我国上市公司审计费用存在‘粘性’吗?”审计与经济研究

·       许骞,曾建光,王立彦,“强制内控审计改变了上市公司财务操控程度和手段么?”审计研究

·       许骞,王立彦,“西藏经济发展之关键”,中国会计评论

·       袁振超,张路,岳衡,“分析师现金流预测能够提高盈余预测准确性吗?—来自我国A 股市场的经验证据”,金融研究

·       袁振超,谈文峰,岳衡,“代理成本、所有权Il生质与业绩预告精确度”,南开管理评论

·       张路,姜国华,岳衡,“中国上市公司收入与成本费用配比性研究”,会计研究

·       赵龙凯,岳衡,矫堃,“出资国文化特征与合资企业风险关系探究”,经济研究

·       张然,陈思,汪剑锋,“PCAOB 审计检查、审计师声誉与中概股危机”,会计研究

·       王会娟,张然,胡诗阳,“私募股权投资与现金股利政策”,会计研究

·       王会娟,魏春燕,张然,“私募股权投资对被投资企业债务契约的影响研究”,山西财经大学学报

·       蔡洪滨,“中国经济不需要再平衡”,商界(评论)

·       蔡洪滨,陈玉宇,“走出传统式‘调结构’误区”,新重庆

·       蔡洪滨,陈玉宇,“走出传统式调结构的误区”,学习月刊

·       雷潇雨,龚六堂,“基于土地出让的工业化与城镇化”,管理世界

·       李达,龚六堂,“住宅市场与高额外汇储备——中国1998-2012的实证研究”,国际贸易问题

·       袁思农,龚六堂,“财政支出分权与经济增长”,湖北社会科学

·       侯成琪,龚六堂,“货币政策应该对住房价格波动作出反应吗——基于两部门动态随机一般均衡模型的分析”,金融研究

·       严成樑,龚六堂,“基础设施投资应向民间资本开放吗?”经济科学

·       雷潇雨,龚六堂,“城镇化对于居民消费率的影响:理论模型与实证分析”,经济研究

·       康立,龚六堂,“金融摩擦、银行净资产与国际经济危机传导——基于多部门DSGE模型分析”,经济研究

·       张勇,李政军,龚六堂,“利率双轨制、金融改革与最优货币政策”,经济研究

·       罗时空,龚六堂,“企业融资行为具有经济周期性吗——来自中国上市公司的经验证据”,南开管理评论

·       李达,龚六堂,“进口需求与国内要素间的弹性——贝叶斯估计与实证估计比较”,南开经济研究

·       樊波,袁国铭,龚六堂,程志强,王军礼,“浅析我国如何实现低碳经济的首个目标”,生态经济

·       侯成琪,龚六堂,“部门价格粘性的异质性与货币政策的传导”,世界经济

·       黎欢,龚六堂,“金融发展、创新研发与经济增长”,世界经济文汇

·       程宇丹,龚六堂,“政府债务对经济增长的影响及作用渠道”,数量经济技术经济研究

·       严成樑,龚六堂,“R&D对我国经济增长的贡献测度”,投资研究

·       龚六堂,严成樑,“我国经济增长从投资驱动向创新驱动转型的政策选择”,中国高校社会科学

·       龚六堂,“坚持回溯经典文献的《宏观经济学》教材”,中央财经大学学报

·       厉以宁,“经济进入新常态,不要担心GDP下滑”,IT时代周刊

·       厉以宁,“中国要走符合国情的城镇化道路”,IT时代周刊

·       厉以宁,“民营企业家要坚定信心”,北大商业评论

·       厉以宁,“厉以宁:认清实践,确立信心”,管理学家(实践版)

·       厉以宁,“城镇化就是老城区+新城区+新社区”,广东经济

·       厉以宁,“应把经济增长指标改成预测值”,广东经济

·       厉以宁,“谈当前经济形势的几个前沿问题”,决策探索(下半月)

·       厉以宁,“厉以宁谈产权改革:没有界定,就谈不上市场经济”,决策与信息(中旬刊)

·       厉以宁,“对发展低碳绿色经济的九点看法”,理论学习

·       厉以宁,“实际增长率比统计局公布的要高”,理论学习

·       厉以宁,“土地确权要学习林权改革”,农村工作通讯

·       厉以宁,“把经济增长指标改为预测值”,企业观察家

·       厉以宁,“走符合中国国情的城镇化道路”,时事报告

·       厉以宁,“当前经济形势的几个前沿问题”,西部大开发

·       厉以宁,“必须澄清对混合所有制的几个误解”,先锋队

·       厉以宁,“社会和谐红利是最大的制度红利”,现代国企研究

·       厉以宁,“继续以体制转型带动发展转型”,新金融

·       厉以宁,“改革激发社会和谐红利”,中国房地产业

·       厉以宁,“社会和谐红利是最大制度红利”,中国老区建设

·       厉以宁,“创新驱动经济转型”,中国流通经济

·       厉以宁,“中国道路与混合所有制经济”,中国市场

·       厉以宁,“辩证看待增长和就业”,中国投资

·       厉以宁,“民营企业要有产权维护意识”,中国西部

·       厉以宁,“预测值应成为指标”,资本市场

·       林莞娟,赵耀辉,“‘重男轻女’降低女性福利吗?离婚与抚养压力”,经济学季刊

·       林莞娟,刘一鸣,孟涓涓,“正式保险对非正式风险分担机制的挤出效应:一个实验研究”,金融研究

·       林莞娟,王辉,周晓露,“教育的自选择与比较优势研究:基于中国的实证分析”,经济科学

·       林莞娟,王辉,邹振鹏,“中国老年护理的选择:非正式护理抑或正式护理——基于CLHLSCHARLS数据的实证分析”,上海财经大学学报

·       林莞娟,孟涓涓,“越多正式保险是否越能提高风险覆盖率:一个实验研究”,世界经济

·       刘永军,王进猛,刘国恩,“进入方式、债务税盾与外资企业资本结构”,学术研究

·       孔令大,刘国恩,刘明,武志昂,“公立医院管理体制改革研究”,中国卫生事业管理

·       王辉,刘冲,颜色,“清末民初铁路建设对中国长期经济发展的影响”,经济学报

·       管汉晖,颜色,林智贤,“经济发展、政治结构与我国近代教育不平衡”,经济科学

·       王之,张庆华,张博通,“如何保障‘保障房’——搜索匹配模型框架下的住房市场分类均衡和政策分析”,经济学报

·       张维迎,“既得利益者能不能成为改革派”,IT时代周刊

·       张维迎,“企业家将决定中国增长潜力”,财经界

·       张维迎,“深度发掘中国市场才是企业未来成长的机会”,中关村

·       张维迎,“思想独立是世界的终端”,中国企业家

·       张维迎,“管制越多腐败越深”,资本市场

·       纪志宏,周黎安,王鹏,赵鹰妍,“地方官员晋升激励与银行信贷:来自中国城市商业银行的经验证据”,金融研究

·       刘冲,周黎安,“高速公路建设与区域经济发展:来自中国县级水平的证据”,经济科学

·       乔坤元,周黎安,刘冲,“中期排名、晋升激励与当期绩效:关于官员动态锦标赛的一项实证研究”,经济学报

·       郑世林,周黎安,何维凌,“电信基础设施与中国经济增长”,经济研究

·       周黎安,“行政发包制”,社会

·       周黎安,“再论行政发包制:对评论人的回应”,社会

·       刘冲,乔坤元,周黎安,“行政分权与财政分权的不同效应:来自中国县级水平的证据”,世界经济

·       高扬,王明进,“两种买卖价差估计渐近性质的比较”,金融学季刊

·       高扬,王明进,“有效价差的极大似然估计”,数量经济技术经济研究

·       朱国忠,虞吉海,乔坤元,“中国各省经济增长是否收敛”,经济学(季刊)

·       曹凤岐,杨乐,“银行信贷调配与区域经济增长”,金融研究

·       曹凤岐,“新型城镇化框架下的金融创新”,经济界

·       曹凤岐,“推进我国股票发行注册制改革”,南开学报(哲学社会科学版)

·       曹凤岐,“互联网金融的发展与挑战”,中国市场

·       曹凤岐,“利率市场化进程中基准利率在货币政策体系中的地位与构建”,中央财经大学学报

·       贾春新,刘大海,“宏观视野下的中国存款保险制度研究”,农村金融研究

·       支晓强,胡聪慧,吴偎立,刘玉珍,“现金分红迎合了投资者吗——来自交易行为的证据”,金融研究

·       路磊,黄京志,吴博,“基金排名变化和羊群效应变化”,金融研究

·       于丽峰,唐涯,徐建国,“融资约束、股价信息含量、与股价-投资敏感性”,金融研究

·       唐涯,刘玉珍,杨逸,“中国基金业绩中的运气——来自FDR方法的证据”,金融学季刊

·       王东,“最优货币约束条件”,哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)

·       马松,潘珊,姚长辉,“不同信贷市场结构下政策性担保机构对企业融资的影响—基于信息不对称框架的理论分析”,经济科学

·       马松,潘珊,姚长辉,“担保机构、信贷市场结构与中小企业融资——基于信息不对称框架的理论分析”,经济科学

·       韩家彬,于鸿君,“农村公共管理服务变化影响农户收入吗?——基于中国健康与养老调查数据的经验分析”,人口与发展

·       张圣平,于丽峰,李怡宗,陈欣怡,“媒体报导与中国A股市场盈余惯性”,金融研究

·       张翼,时菲,宋长明,“制造业上市公司财务重述传染效应的实证分析”,经营与管理

·       王东旋,张峥,殷先军,“股市流动性与宏观经济——有关中国股市的新证据”,经济科学

·       王曾,符国群,黄丹阳,汪剑锋,“国有企业CEO‘政治晋升’与‘在职消费’关系研究”,管理世界

·       符国群,苏子逸,“中国消费者评价进口产品的影响因素研究”,管理学报

·       薛海波,符国群,江晓东,“面子意识与消费者购物决策风格:一项70后、80后和90后的代际调节作用研究”,商业经济与管理

·       何志毅,“创业的国度—感受以色列”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“从井冈山到北京——再论中国革命与组织成长”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“感恩精神”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“家·国·天下”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“建设创业生态圈”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“厉以宁老师获终身成就奖有感”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“全球视野 中华智慧”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“学习华为好榜样”,北大商业评论

·       何志毅,“又逢甲午忆当年”,北大商业评论

·       谭琨,何志毅,“国家中长期技术创新能力的评价与排名”,科技和产业

·       刘玉崟,李季,程杨,江明华,“体育赞助中品牌熟识度和赞助形态对消费者反应的影响”,经济科学

·       江明华,“商业品牌时代的来临”,全国商情(理论研究)

·       谢毅,彭泗清,“品牌信任和品牌情感对口碑传播的影响:态度和态度不确定性的作用”,管理评论

·       彭泗清,韩践,“破解客户体验四道难题”,哈佛商业评论

·       郑晓莹,彭泗清,“补偿性消费行为:概念、类型与心理机制”,心理科学进展

·       郑晓莹,彭泗清,戴珊珊,“社会比较对炫耀性消费的影响:心理补偿的视角”,营销科学学报

·       苏萌,杜晓梦,“渠道归因:用大数据精准营销”,北大商业评论

·       陈可,涂平,“顾客参与服务补救:基于MOA模型的实证研究”,管理科学

·       王紫薇,涂平,“社会排斥情境下自我关注变化的性别差异”,心理学报

·       韦夏,涂平,涂荣庭,“回馈如何强化关系?价格模糊性与关系类型对顾客忠诚意愿的影响”,营销科学学报

·       韦夏,涂平,“价格提示的双重效应对忠诚计划吸引力的影响”,营销科学学报

·       张红霞,高宏志,“与消费者共创品牌价值---利用社交媒体实现品牌价值共享与内化”,北大商业评论

·       陈丽华,“短期经济波动如何影响长期增长趋势?”物流技术与应用

·       董小英,余艳,张娜,“企业竞争战略与知识管理动态匹配与共同演化:以李宁公司为例”,管理学报

·       王丽颖,巩天啸,陈丽华,蓝颖杰,“二级市场季节性商品的订购和销售决策”,管理科学学报

·       雷明,廖博,殷子涵,李沙浪,戴亦舒,“低碳发展下增长核算与经济增长分析”,2014中国环境科学学会学术年会论文集

·       虞晓雯,雷明,“面板VAR模型框架下我国低碳经济增长作用机制的动态分析”,第十六届中国管理科学学术年会论文集

·       雷明,赵欣娜,“动态效应 网络效应 产业‘三E’绩效——基于绿色投入产出核算和动态网络Malmquist模型”,经济学报

·       雷明,虞晓雯,赵欣娜,邓宏辉,“动态视角下我国3E全要素生产率的区域差异研究”,运筹与管理

·       雷明,“基于TOPSIS的省级低碳经济发展评价及其空间面板计量分析”,中国管理科学

·       雷明,“面板VAR模型框架下我国低碳经济增长作用机制的动态分析”,中国管理科学

·       雷明,“中国钢铁行业能源环境效率分析——基于工业企业微观数据”,中国管理科学

·       安超,雷明,徐敏亚,“后金融危机时代个体认知、反应机制与理财方式选择关系分析”,商业时代

·       李东,邱凌云,刘彪,栾世栋,“2013年度IT推动业务创新调查报告”,IT经理世界

·       丁月,李东,任菲,“企业关键业务管理系统发展中CIO多种角色模型研究”,商业研究

·       丁月,李东,任菲,“不同职位权力下CIO角色定位问题分析”,信息系统学报

·       韩松,王涛,蔡剑,王其文,“基于‘Learning by Playing’的商学教育——利用仿真游戏培养学生商业管理技能的探索性研究”,教育学术月刊

·       张翠莲,赵伦,韩亦,“农民专业合作社:利益、博弈与互惠规范分析”,商业研究

·       黄铁鹰,“中国企业最缺的是不是创新”,销售与市场(渠道版)

·       马力,毛日佑,“从《马关条约》签订看企业谈判”,清华管理评论

·       王颂,解蕴慧,马力,“中国员工基于组织自尊的内容探析:概念构图法的应用”,心理科学

·       张宏宇,周燕华,张建君,“如何缓解农民工的疲惫感:对工会和SA8000认证作用的考量”,管理世界

·       顾昕,张建君,“挑选赢家还是提供服务?——产业政策的制度基础与施政选择”,经济社会体制比较

·       李婷,张闫龙,“出生队列效应下老年人健康指标的生长曲线及其城乡差异”,人口研究

·       张三宝,张志学,“管理自主权:融会东方与西方、连接宏观与微观”,管理世界

·       魏昕,张志学,“上级何时采纳促进性或抑制性进言?上级地位和下属专业度的影响。”管理世界

·       张志学,鞠冬,马力,“组织行为学研究的现状:意义与建议”,心理学报

·       冯米,张曦如,路江涌,“战略与结构匹配对新兴市场企业集团绩效的影响”,南开管理评论

·       路江涌,何文龙,王铁民,刘颖,“外部压力、自我认知与企业标准化环境管理体系”,经济科学

·       武常岐,张林,“国企改革中的所有权和控制权及企业绩效”,北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)

·       曲红燕,武常岐,“公司治理在制度背景中的嵌入性——中国上市国有企业与非国有企业的实证研究”,经济管理

·       高照军,武常岐,“制度理论视角下的企业创新行为研究——基于国家高新区企业的实证分析”,科学学研究

·       高照军,武常岐,“基于可视化文献分析方法的组织学习研究评述”,现代管理科学

·       张国有,“德国的义务教育”,教师博览

·       张国有,“战略:第三阶域的思维”,经济管理

·       张国有,“建造国有企业的初衷----共和国初期阶段国有企业存在的理由”,经济与管理研究

·       傅帅雄,“新型城镇化的经验与思路”,决策与信息(中旬刊)

·       刘雨青,傅帅雄,“林权抵押贷款制度改革中的民意导向——基于浙江省的实践”,林业经济

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