



Finance Seminar2016-09

Topic:Reward-Timing Uncertainty, Languages and R&D Investment

Speaker:Xunhua Su, Norwegian School of Economics

Time:Wednesday, 20 April, 10:00-11:30

Place:Room 217, Guanghua Building 2


One of the key features of research and development (R&D) is that the timing of investment reward is uncertain - you do not know when the reward will be materialized. We show that thisreward-timing uncertaintyraises R&D investment due to the convexity of decision makers’ time preferences. To capture such an effect, we measure people’s perceived reward-timing uncertainty using a special structure of languages, socalledfuture-time reference(FTR), which refers to when and how languages mark the timing of events. Weak-FTR language speakers hold less precise beliefs on the timing of future events and perceive higher timing uncertainty. International evidence strongly supports the positive effect of reward-timing uncertainty on R&D at both the country and firm levels. On average, aggregate R&D of the business sector as a percentage of GDP and the firm R&D-to-Assets ratio for weak-FTR countries are respectively 0.18 and 0.6 percentage points higher than those for strong-FTR countries. Within-country analysis based on Belgium, in which both weak- and strong-FTR languages are used, and Difference-in-Differences tests based on Hong Kong, in which a weak-FTR language (Chinese) relative to a strong-FTR language (English) became increasingly important after 1997, further confirm our cross-country results.


Xunhua Suis an Assistant Professor in Finance at Norwegian School of Economics. His Research Interests are Theoretical and Empirical Corporate Finance, Banking and Financial Crisis, Financial Contracts.


Your participation is warmly welcomed!


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