Economics Seminar(2016-07)
Topic:Estimating Matching Games with Transfers
Speaker:Jeremy T. Fox,Rice University
Time:Tuesday, May.24, 2:00-3:30pm
Place: Room 217, Guanghua Building 2
I explore the estimation of transferable utility matching games, encompassing many-to-many matching, marriage and matching with trading networks (trades). I introduce a matching maximum score estimator that does not suffer from a computational curse of dimensionality in the number of agents in a matching market. I apply the estimator to data on the car parts supplied by automotive suppliers to estimate the returns from different portfolios of parts to suppliers and automotive assemblers.

Jeremy T. Foxis a associate professor atRice University, academician ofIndustrial Organization,Econometrics, Labor Economics.His research has been published in journals such asRAND Journal of Economics,American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, andJournal of Econometrics.