Marketing Seminar(2016-01)
Title:The Devil Wears Prada? How Luxury Consumption Influences Social Behavior
Speaker:WANG, YAJIN , University of Maryland
Time:Wednesday, 23 March. 13:30-15:00
Location:Room217, Guanghua Building 2
Does the Devil wear Prada? Or does wearing Prada lead people to behave more like the Devil? We propose that using luxury products boosts people’s sense of social status, which encourages them to behave in ways to further their self-interest. In six experiments, women used either a luxury or a non-luxury product, and were then provided opportunities to behave in a selfish or generous manner. We found that women using a luxury product exhibited more selfish behavior, except when they were in a public setting that offered an opportunity to enhance their reputation by being generous. For example, women using a luxury product who were asked to donate money to a charity were more selfish when donating money in private, but were more generous when donating money in front of other people. Overall, we show that luxury consumption leads consumers to act in ways to benefit the self, which can result in either more selfish or more generous behavior depending on the situation.

Professor Wang received her Ph.D. in Marketing from the Carlson School of Management at University of Minnesota in 2015. Her research focuses on luxury brands and conspicuous consumption, and social/interpersonal influence on consumer’ s behavior. Her research has been published in Journal of Consumer Research and Psychological Science, and has been covered in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, CBS News, FOX News, and CNN. She has been invited to present her research at multiple research institutions and conferences. She has been served as reviewer for Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology. She teaches consumer behavior.

Your participation is warmly welcomed!