It was many and many a year ago,
In a movie that my teacher has told,
That a dreamful city which you may know,
By the name of Sleepless in Seattle;
Glad to see in the woods we pass,
Where squirrels hiding their nuts in grass.
Running in the summer sunshine all the class,
Filling wonderful memories and dreams of us.
What dose the life look like if full of care,
We have no time to read and admire.
No time to read on the library chair,
No time to admire God's welfare.
Let me toil in the mines of knowledge,
Minds are of supernal birth.
Learning's spoil and nature's wealth,
Win from Foster School of Business.
Crowd of stars just like shining sand,
Excellence as richer gems are waiting us to find.
Why are the sunshine always in my mind?
That’s because I love so much of this land!

配着《when I fall in love》的音乐,三位同学用英文、中文、地方方言朗诵了这首诗歌,赢得了大家的阵阵喝彩。不同的语言诠释着同一份情感,却别有意境。




MBA2016级西安班 吴潇