Changes and Investment: The SixthValue Investing Lecture Given by Mr. Srinivas Pulavarti
The sixth lecture of Value Investing was held on November 20th, at Underground Hall of the Second Gymnasium of Peking University. It was hosted by Professor Guohua Jiang. Funded by Himalaya Capital, Value Investing course is offered by Guanghua School of Management and hosted by Professor Guohua Jiang. This course is intended to teach students the fundamentals of the value approach to investment management, and to expose students to the practical implementation. In previous lectures, Mr. LI Lu (Founder and Chairman of Himalaya Capital), Mr. CHANG Jing (Partner of Himalaya Capital), Ms. FAN Hua (Director of CIC Bond and Absolute Return Department), Mr. QIU Guolu (CEO of Gaoyi Asset Management Corporation), and Mr. LU Anping (Director of Ping An Insurance Entrusted Investment Department) gave speeches about value investing, which attracted much attention from both universities and the society.

本次课程邀请到UCLA Investment Company总裁与投资总监Srinivas Pulavarti进行远程在线演讲。Pulavarti先生于2012年8月加入UCLA Investment Company,现担任总裁与投资总监(President and CIO),主要负责投资组合管理和投资策略制定,并管理The UCLA Foundation约20亿美元的资金。Pulavarti先生曾担任Spider Management Company的总裁与投资总监,管理超过30亿美元的资金,在此期间Spider一直是美国大学投资基金中的佼佼者。在此之前,他还曾担任过Citigroup Pension Investments的全球投资策略主管、John Hopkins University的投资主管、Lockheed Martin Investment Management Company的投资主管、Howard Hughes Medical Institute的固定收益与主权债务高级分析师。
Srinivas Pulavarti, president and CIO of UCLA Investment Company, was invited to give a keynote speech about value investing through Internet.Mr. Pulavarti, a veteran endowment and investment management executive, serves as president and chief investment officer of the UCLA Investment Company, which manages approximately $2 billion in assets for The UCLA Foundation.Selected after a global search, Mr. Pulavarti joined the UCLA Investment Company in August 2012. He is responsible for defining the strategic vision for management of the company’s portfolios while directing the company’s staff and overseeing more than 100 external investment managers.Previously, Mr.Pulavarti served as president and chief investment officer of Spider Management Company, which as of July 2012 managed $1.9 billion for the University of Richmond in Virginia and $1.1 billion for 23 other entities, for a total pool of approximately $3 billion. Under Mr. Pulavarti’s leadership, the Spider endowment was consistently ranked as one of the nation’s best-performing among universities.Among his previous positions, Mr. Pulavarti served as director of global investment strategy for Citigroup Pension Investments; director of investments for Johns Hopkins University; investment manager for Lockheed Martin Investment Management Company, and senior analyst of fixed income and sovereign debt for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Mr. Pulavarti introduced to us four types of change and differentiated different sources of change. He mentioned that institutions could be either extractive or inclusive, and took the US Federal Reserve as an example to explain the issue. Then he showed the audience average return of several value investors, and expressed his important considerations including alignment of incentives, risk versus return parameters, valuation as a function of price and definition of intrinsic value. Finally, he talked about what value investors thought of diversification and sanity.
