Accounting Seminar(2016-07)
Topic: What explains the longevity of billionaire entrepreneurs in emerging markets? Evidence from China
Speaker:Bin Ke, National University of Singapore
Time: Tuesday, May17th, 10:30-12:00
Place: Room217, Guanghua Building 2
We examine the determinants of Chinese billionaire entrepreneurs’ longevity.We classify the determinants into three types based on existing research in economics, sociology and psychology, referred to as institutions, social networks, and personal characteristics. With regard to institutional factors, we find that political connection and access to finance are important in explaining billionaire entrepreneurs’ longevity, but we find no evidence that contracting institutions and property rights institutions matter in explaining billionaire entrepreneurs’ longevity. We find no evidence that social networks matter in explaining the longevity of billionaire entrepreneurs. We find that male and older billionaire entrepreneurs with an MBA education are more likely to enjoy longevity.